Arna Mer-Chamis

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Arna Mer-Chamis

Arna Mer-Chamis (born March 20, 1929 in Rosh Pina , † February 15, 1995 ; Hebrew ארנה מר ח'מיס) was an Israeli human rights activist and recipient of the Right Livelihood Award .


Mer was born in Rosh Pina in Palestine , her father was Professor Gideon Mer , a Jewish researcher who was mainly concerned with the fight against malaria . At the age of 16, she joined the paramilitary Palmach and wore the keffiyeh . After the Palestine War in 1948 she joined the Communist Party and married the “Red Boss” of Nazareth, the trade unionist Saliba Khamis .

The couple lived in a party mission in Prague , where Saliba worked on the magazine Problems of Peace and Socialism . The three sons Juliano , Spartakus and Abir grew up there and in Moscow .

Since the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip after 1967, she has been arrested several times for her political activities. During the First Intifada , the Israeli military closed all schools for a long time. Arna went to the Jenin refugee camp and opened a school there using unconventional methods. Among other things, she also founded a theater group and by 1993, when Arna was awarded the Right Livelihood Award in Stockholm, her institution had grown to 1,500 children, 15 employees and 25 volunteers.

She later developed cancer and died in February 1995. Her son Juliano was with her work in Jenin and portrayed them in his 2004 film Arna's Children . Another portrait can be found in the novel Civil Defense by Sami Michael , who is also a member of the party and knew the couple Mer-Chamis well.


  • Arna's children , documentary, 2004, 84 min.

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