Arnold G. Reichenberger

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Arnold Gottfried Reichenberger (born March 2, 1903 in Karlsruhe , † August 5, 1977 in Newtown Township , Pennsylvania) was a German Romance philologist who worked in Italy and as a university lecturer in the United States.

life and work

Reichenberger studied in Heidelberg, Munich and Berlin, was a grammar school teacher of Latin and Greek and received his doctorate in Heidelberg in 1929 with studies on the narrative style of Titus Livius (Karlsruhe 1931). Because of his Jewish descent, he was dismissed from school in 1933, emigrated to Milan in 1934 and taught German at the university there. In 1936 he qualified as Dottore in Lettere.

In 1938 he went into exile in the United States, where he was first associate professor for modern languages ​​(Italian) at the New School for Social Research in New York, from 1940 to 1942 lecturer in German and philosophy at Capital University in Columbus (Ohio) . In 1942 he began studying Spanish at Ohio State University in Columbus, and in 1946 earned his third doctorate (Ph. D.).

He went to the University of Pennsylvania (Penn) in Philadelphia, where, after starting out as a lecturer and associate professor, he was full professor of Spanish from 1961 to 1973, and from 1965 to 1967 also head of the department for Romance languages.

He was an associate editor of Hispanic Review magazine .

Reichenberger lived with his Romanian wife, the artist Nella Reichenberger, in Newtown Township.

Other works

  • La grammatica tedesca non lo dice (What is not in the grammar), 3rd edition, Milan 1936
  • Il inglese per l'italiano autodidatta. Grammatica pratica per lo studio della lingua tedesca, con la pronunzia figurata, la nomenclatura illustrata, la traduzione interlineare dei brani di lettura e la chiave degli esercizi (together with Benvenuto Terracini ), Milan 1941 (last 1958)
  • (Ed.) El embuste acreditado by Luis Vélez de Guevara [1579-1644], Granada 1956
  • (Ed.) Carlos V. en Francia (von Lope de Vega), ed. From the autograph manuscript with introduction and notes, Philadelphia 1962
  • (Ed. Together with Russell P. Sebold) Studies in memory of Ramon Menendez Pidal, Philadelphia 1970
  • (Ed. Together with Augusta Espantoso Foley) El primero Benavides (by Lope de Vega), edited from the autograph manuscript with introduction and notes, Philadelphia 1973
  • Spanish drama of the Golden Age. A catalog of the manuscript collection at the Hispanic Society of America (together with JM Regueiro), 2 vols., New York 1984


  • Reichenberger Memorial Issue, in: Hispanic Review 47, Winter 1979, 1
  • Gabriele Gast: Bio-bibliographical information, in: Deutsche Literaturwissenschaft 1945-1965. Case studies on institutions, discourses, people, ed. by Petra Boden and Rainer Rosenberg, Berlin 1997, p. 415 (Reichenberger, Arnold G.)

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