Arroyo Colorado Grande

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Arroyo Colorado Grande
location South America , Uruguay
River system Río de la Plata
Drain over del Tala  → Santa Lucía  → La Plata  → Atlantic
muzzle in the Arroyo del Tala coordinates: 34 ° 21 '23 "  S , 56 ° 5' 31"  W 34 ° 21 '23 "  S , 56 ° 5' 31"  W.

Left tributaries de la Perdiz, Arroyo Colorado Chico , Pajas Blancas
Right tributaries Arroyo de la Horqueta

The Arroyo Colorado Grande is a river in Uruguay .

It has its source in the Canelones department in the city of San Bautista . From there it initially flows in a north-westerly direction and changes its course on about the last third of its route to the west. On its way through the department, it passes under both Ruta 6 and Ruta 33 . It finally flows into the Arroyo del Tala on the left about one kilometer east of Paso Ortega .

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