Arroyo Sarandí (Arroyo Solís Grande)

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Arroyo Sarandí
location South America , Uruguay
River system Río de la Plata
Drain over Arroyo Solís Grande  → Río de la Plata  → Atlantic
source in the Cuchilla Grande
muzzle in the Arroyo Solís Grande coordinates: 34 ° 27 ′ 11 ″  S , 55 ° 32 ′ 17 ″  W 34 ° 27 ′ 11 ″  S , 55 ° 32 ′ 17 ″  W.

Left tributaries Arroyo de los Patos
Right tributaries Arroyo del Juncal

The Arroyo Sarandí is a river in the south of Uruguay .

It rises in the Cuchilla Grande on the border of the Departamentos Canelones and Lavalleja near the intersection of Ruta 12 and Ruta 108 . From there it runs first in a south-easterly direction and then in a southerly direction and flows into the Arroyo Solís Grande as a right-hand tributary . It serves as a borderline between the two departments along its entire route.

Individual evidence

  1. "Limits of the Judicial Districts of Uruguay (?)" ; see: JUZGADO DE PAZ DE LA SEGUNDA SECCION JUDICIAL
  2. Description of the Arroyo Sarandí on
  3. Information on the website of the natural science faculty of the Universidad de la República .