Arteriae centrales anterolaterales

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As anterolateral central arteries (also: arteries lenticulostriatae) several small arteries are summarized perpendicular from the middle cerebral artery , shortly after they exit the spring internal carotid artery emerged.

Coverage area

After entering the brain matter through the substantia perforata anterior, supply the Aa. centrales anterolaterales


Due to the unfavorable exit angle of 90 ° from the A. cerebri media and the resulting turbulence of the blood flow , changes in the vessel walls caused by arteriosclerosis are particularly common in this area . If an infarct or intracerebral hemorrhage occurs as a result of complete occlusion or rupture, this results in paralysis of the contralateral half of the body ( hemiplegia ) due to insufficient supply of the above-mentioned structures .
