Arthur Schnabel

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Arthur Schnabel (born September 16, 1947 in Schweigen ; † October 22, 2018 in Cancún , Mexico ) was a German judoka and sumo wrestler.


Arthur Schnabel grew up in Mannheim and was a trained master baker and confectioner. He ran a fitness center and a bakery and confectionery in Mannheim.

He died shortly after the 2018 Senior Championships in Cancun.


Schnabel was a member of the 1st Mannheim Judo Club . He won seven German and five international championships in judo. At the European Championships between 1976 and 1984 he won seven medals. In 1983 and 1984 he won the European Cup. The high point of his career was winning the bronze medal in the open class at the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles . In the same year he was honored with the silver bay leaf . In 1992 he was awarded the 6th Dan .

Then Schnabel began as a sumo wrestler. Here he won the German championship in 1995 and 1997. He also won three medals at the European Championships during the same period.

In 2007 he was still active and won the gold medal at the over 30 European Judo Championships in Sindelfingen in the M7 class.

Web links

supporting documents

  1. a b Mannheim: Arthur Schnabel is dead . In: Website of Rhein-Neckar television . October 25, 2018 ( [accessed October 25, 2018]).
  2. North Rhine-Westphalian Judo Association