Arthur Stocklin

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Arthur and Klara Stöcklin-Thüring on their 50th wedding anniversary with their descendants in front of the Fürstenstein restaurant in Ettingen. (Breakdown of the people in the enlargement of the picture)
Arthur Stöcklin (left) as construction manager of the road construction project on the Schaien in Ettingen, around 1924.
Arthur Stöcklin-Thuringia at the stone pit in Aesch, November 18, 1926

Arthur Stöcklin (born August 20, 1873 in Ettingen ; † April 23, 1954 there ; citizen of Ettingen; village names: "Hanslis Arthur", " Hannibal ", "The Latin") was a Swiss master mason. He was head of the improvement in Ettingen.


Born in 1873 as the child of Johannes Stöcklin (1827–1903) and his second wife Anna Barbara, b. Thuringia (1842–1908) into a family with ten siblings and half-siblings, took over the first orders of the community in 1894 at the age of 21, since 1899 tenant of the largest stone pit in the community, 1901 marriage to Klara, nee. Thuringia (1876–1953), 9 children, death in Ettingen on April 23, 1954. As a successful entrepreneur with close ties to the community, he was controversial in the village.

Arthur Stöcklin-Thüring was characterized by a keen interest in culture. He is said to have attended lectures at the University of Basel and mastered Latin proverbs ("finis coronat opus", "the end crowns a work" he wrote under his collected files on the amelioration); hence its village name "The Latin". His other village name, "Hannibal", is to be retained because he deliberately pushed through and built the path to the Plattenpass on the Blauen above Ettingen, overcoming all obstacles. The third village name "Hanslis" is the patronymic.


1903 member and also actuary of the school maintenance (until 1909, 1911–1946 school maintenance of the district school Therwil , from 1930 president), 1904 member of the executive commission of the II. Project of field regulation (improvement) in Ettingen, here also president. Then he headed the improvement projects III (1903-1923), IV East and IV West (1919-1936) and VI (1922-1926). 1928 President of the Ettingen Water Supply Special Commission , 1936 President of the Special Commission for Doling the Dorfbach, 1936 President of the Agricultural Operations Center, 1939 Commander of the Ettingen local defense.


His official position is characterized by the fact that he was particularly fond of taking on extraordinary projects.

Arthur Stöcklin-Thüring in his initiative can be described as a representative of early management in the field of agriculture and community life, where this type of project management did not yet exist.

"As a rule, ten to twelve people sat at the table (family table). Everyone was able to express their opinion first, but in the end he decided (Arthur Stöcklin). What was decided was written down in chalk and on two black boards in the order of urgency which hung on the wall behind the dining table. So everyone could see what had to be done, and the work was distributed accordingly among those present. "

In his forward-looking management of the large melioration companies, for which there were hardly any cantonal guidelines at the time, he broke new ground. He also knew how to use the cantonal and federal funds to the best of his ability and, for example, to develop funds for the job creation project in the road construction. In view of the resistance in the village population, he refrained from radical amelioration, as actually required by federal regulations.

A permanent, latent conflict of interest with his private company (construction company and quarry lease) was also typical of his activity. He has been repeatedly suspected of doing this, but has won every trial. An examination of his land buying and selling practice shows that he foresaw which parcels would rise in price and which would fall and accordingly made cheap deals. But this profitable trade was not illegal. His argument with the community assembly about the purchase of his barn for a community project was legendary; an agreement was only reached when the barn burned down after a heated community meeting.


  • Ettingen. In: The Rauracher. Aesch 11th year, 1939, pp. 29–48.



Ettingen municipal archive:

  • Files on the improvement, indexed in the directory [!] Of the [!] Field regulation files deposited in the municipal archive by Arthur Stöcklin-Thuringia, President of the Executive Commission; however, not all of the files listed there are available any more, but also some that were not recorded there.
  • Town council and town meeting minutes.

State Archives Basel-Country, Liestal:

  • New archive, Agriculture DI 9, soil improvement, field regulation in the Arlesheim district


  • Hans Utz-Jordi: The amelioration of Ettingen . Verlag des Kantons Basel-Landschaft, Liestal 1993, ISBN 3-85673-231-4 .
  • Local history commission Ettingen: Ettingen - the story . Verlag des Kantons Basel-Landschaft, Liestal 1993, ISBN 3-85673-516-X , pp. 251-257.

Web links

Commons : Arthur Stöcklin  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Joseph Jeissi (. Catholic priest of Ettingen 1877-1933): family register of Ettingen, Table XV, Stoecklin. In: State Archives Basel-Landschaft, Liestal (copy)
  2. Utz: Meliorationen 1993. 201–205
  3. Written memory of grandson Arthur Stöcklin-Frey, July 1991, in: Utz: Meliorationen 1993. 207