Arthur Warda

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Arthur Warda (* 1871 in Königsberg i. Pr. , † October 25, 1929 ibid) was a German magistrate and Kant researcher.


Warda studied law at the Albertus University in Königsberg and the Friedrichs University in Halle . In 1900 he was appointed magistrate in Schippenbeil . After seven years he returned to Königsberg, where he worked as a local judge until his death. Like Emil Arnoldt and Rudolf Reicke before him , he devoted himself to the life and estate of Immanuel Kant . Almost all of his essays appeared in the Old Prussian Monthly . He discovered and published many manuscripts and letters. He compiled Kant's official correspondence, of which the most important pieces were published in Volume 12 of the Academy Edition of Kant's Collected Works. He helped Erich Adickes with the publication of Kant's handwritten estate. At the Königsberg Kant celebration (1924) he was awarded an honorary doctorate. Warda died at the age of 58.


  • Immanuel Kant's pamphlets (1919)
  • Immanuel Kant's books (1922).



Individual evidence

  1. ^ Paul Menzer: Arthur Warda †. In: Kant studies. Volume 35, Issue 1–4, November 10, 2009, pp. 289–290 , accessed on June 26, 2019 .