Arturo Graf

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Arturo Graf

Arturo Graf (born January 19, 1848 in Athens , Greece ; † May 31, 1913 in Turin ) was an Italian literary scholar and poet of German origin.

Graf was the son of the Nuremberg merchant Adolf and an Anconitan woman. In 1851 the family had to move to Trieste because of the collapse of the father's company . In 1856, one year after the death of her father, the mother Serafina Bini moved with her two sons to her brother in Brăila in Romania. It was there that the almost fourteen-year-old published his first volume of poetry under the pseudonym Filarete Franchi in 1861. In 1863 he moved to Naples, where in 1867 he passed his school leaving examination as an external student without attending regular school and then studied law at the University of Naples . After the laurea of 1870 he practiced for a few months in a law firm, but then gave up the legal profession, was active as a writer, on friendly terms with Antonio Labriola , and temporarily returned to Romania to enter the family business. In 1874 he returned to Italy, this time to Rome, where he completed his habilitation in Italian literature in 1875 with a thesis on Giacomo Leopardi at the University of La Sapienza and was also qualified to teach letterature neolatine . In 1876 Graf became a professor of comparative literature, and then also of Italian literature, at the University of Turin, of which he was rector from 1892 to 1894. On Saturday afternoon he held seminar sessions open to the public, in which the critical first-time works of his students, but also their poems, were presented and discussed. In his studies he mainly devoted himself to literary studies, since he was not a trained philologist. He followed natural and social science approaches. Together with Francesco Novati and Rodolfo Renier , he published the Giornale storico della letteratura italiana since 1883. The founding of the magazine went back to a request from the Turin publisher Hermann Loescher , a great-nephew of Benedikt Gotthelf Teubner , for whom Graf acted as literary advisor. Loescher's widow Sofia Rauchegger became Graf's wife in 1893. Graf was close to the group of Turin Socialists around Edmondo De Amicis , for whom he regularly translated Marxist texts, but at a critical distance.

In 1888 he became a member of the Accademia delle Scienze di Torino , from 1906 he was a corresponding member of the Accademia dei Lincei in Rome.

Publications (selection)


  • Poetry , Brăila 1861
  • Poetry e novelle , Rome 1876
  • Medusa (Turin, 1880), in which the poet knows how to find moving tones for the expression of his serious, somewhat gloomy and, so to speak, Nordic mood.

scientific publications

  • Dell 'epica neolatina (Rome, 1876)
  • Delle origini del dramma moderno (Rome, 1876)
  • Della storia letteraria e de 'suoi metodi (Turin, 1877)
  • Studii drammatici (Turin, 1878)
  • Roma nella memoria e nelle immaginazioni del medio evo (Turin, 1882–1883, 2 vols.)
  • La leggenda del paradiso terrestre (Turin, 1879)
  • Prometeo nella poesia (Turin, 1880)
  • La leggenda dell'Aurora (Turin, 1881).
  • Il diavolo (Milan, 1889, repr. 2006)

From a code of the National Library in Turin he edited: I complementi della chanson d ' Huon de Bordeaux , testi francesi inediti; tratti da un codice della Biblioteca Nazionale di Torino (Hall: Niemeyer, 1878).


Web links

Commons : Arturo Graf  - collection of images, videos and audio files