AsiaSat 6

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Asiasat 6
Start date September 7, 2014, 5:00 UTC
Launcher Falcon 9 v1.1
Launch site Cape Canaveral AFS Launch Complex 40
COSPAR-ID : 2014-052A
Takeoff mass 3700 kg
Manufacturer Space Systems / Loral
Satellite bus LS-1300
lifespan 15 years
Stabilization three-axis stabilized
operator Asiaat
Playback information
Transponder 28 C-band
Transponder performance 100 W TWTA
Bandwidth 36 MHz
First position 120 ° East
List of geostationary satellites

AsiaSat 6 (also Thaicom 7 ) is a commercial communications satellite of the Hong Kong- based company AsiaSat .

It was placed in geostationary orbit on September 7, 2014 at 5:00 UTC with a Falcon 9 v1.1 from the Cape Canaveral AFS Launch Complex 40 rocket launch site.

In order to retain the right to the assigned orbital position at 120 ° East , Thaicom concluded an agreement with the competitor AsiaSat in December 2011. A common satellite that bears the two names Thaicom 7 and AsiaSat 6 and was co-positioned with Thaicom 4 on September 7, 2014 . 14 of the transponders were leased to the Thai company Thaicom. It was built on the basis of the LS-1300 satellite bus from Space Systems / Loral and has a planned service life of 15 years. The three-axis stabilized satellite with 28 C-band - transponders fitted to and from the position 120 ° East (formerly position 2 AsiaSat supply) from Asian, Australia and the Pacific Islands with telecommunications services.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b SpaceX Falcon 9 v1.1 launches ASIASAT-6 mission , accessed on September 21, 2014