Asklepios Medical School

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Asklepios Medical School
founding 2008
Sponsorship state ( Semmelweis University ); private operator (Asklepios Medical School GmbH)
place Hamburg, Germany
management Christoph Jermann, Christoph U. Herborn (Asklepios Medical School GmbH), Peter Bucsky, Karl J. Oldhafer (ACH)
Students 210 (2019)
Employee 10

The Asklepios Medical School GmbH is a private, the hospital group Asklepios clinics operated training facility for doctors. It operates in Hamburg on the site of the Asklepios Klinik St. Georg on the so-called Asklepios Campus Hamburg . The Asklepios Medical School offers medical studies in cooperation with the medical faculty of the Budapest State Semmelweis University . There, students have the opportunity to complete the clinical part of their medical studies according to the Hungarian curriculum in German and obtain a diploma from Semmelweis University, which entitles them to apply for a license to practice medicine.


In cooperation with the Asklepios clinics , the Medical Faculty of Semmelweis University opened a branch in Hamburg under the name “Asklepios Campus Hamburg”. This started teaching on September 6th, 2008 under the direction of Jörg Weidenhammer (Managing Director of Asklepios Medical School) and Dirk Müller-Wieland (Representative of the Dean of the Medical Faculty of Semmelweis University at ACH).

On January 1, 2016, Semmelweis University, in close coordination with Asklepios, established the first “subchairs”, chair areas for chairs at Semmelweis University. Semmelweis University appointed Karl J. Oldhafer, chief physician for general and visceral surgery, as head of the subchairs , and Siegbert Faiss, chief physician for gastroenterology and interventional endoscopy (both at the Asklepios Klinik Barmbek).

In June 2016, the campus council was constituted, which advises and makes decisions on important academic self-administration matters and on issues relating to the further development of the ACH. In the same year, the first two doctors from Asklepios Kliniken Hamburg completed their habilitation at Semmelweis University and the first three lecturers at ACH were appointed honorary professors by Semmelweis University.

In December, Karl J. Oldhafer was appointed full professor at Semmelweis University by the Hungarian President as the first lecturer at the ACH.

Semmelweis University

Semmelweis University is a state university based in Budapest with a 250-year history. It owes its name to the Hungarian doctor and discoverer of the cause of puerperal fever Ignaz Semmelweis .

It has been possible to study medicine in German there since 1983. With general medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, health care and a faculty for public health sciences, the university has five faculties . It is possible to study in German at three of the faculties (general medicine, dentistry, pharmacy). A total of 10,880 students study at the university (as of 2016), 3,330 of whom are of foreign origin.


Medical students who have successfully completed the pre-clinical part of their training at Semmelweis University or at another university can, from the 5th or 7th semester, complete the clinical section in Hamburg as students at the Asklepios Medical School were admitted. This model enables German students to start studying medicine without being tied to the numerus clausus (NC). Critics fear, however, that the quality of the course could decline in the long term if less renowned foreign universities than Semmelweis University were to launch similar projects.

The Medical School accepts up to 70 students per year - and always in the fall semester. Admission criteria are the grades, the credit points acquired, the length of study and, if applicable, additional qualifications.

Teaching takes place in groups of six to eight students. The schedule is structured in such a way that lectures at the ACH are usually held by chief physicians in the mornings and practical lessons at the clinics on site in the afternoons; the weighting of theory and practice is around 40:60. The students complete the practical part of their training primarily in the hospitals of the Asklepios Kliniken Hamburg as well as in clinical traineeships and PJ stations outside of Hamburg and Germany.

The costs of studying at ACH amount to 7,800 euros per semester (as of 2019). There are special financing offers in the form of a student loan and agreements based on the reverse generation contract model . In addition, students of the ACH BAföG are eligible to apply and the ACH awards scholarships in the form of fee discounts for particularly good academic achievements .

Studying at the ACH leads to a diploma from Semmelweis University, which is recognized throughout Europe. According to Hungarian higher education law , the degree corresponds to a professional doctorate ("dr. Med."), Which, however, does not lead to the title of "Dr. med. ”and is not to be equated with a doctorate . The diploma from Semmelweis University entitles them to obtain a license to practice medicine in Germany and thus enables young doctors to practice the medical profession in Germany and other European countries without restriction.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ACH: facts and figures
  2. GMS Journal for Medical Education: "Innovative medical studies at Semmelweis University Budapest on Asklepios Campus Hamburg"
  3. a b c Semmelweis University: German-language course (brochure) ( Memento from April 20, 2017 in the Internet Archive )
  4. ^ Ä "Asklepios founds medical faculty in Hamburg"
  5. SZ Online: "Dr. med. Hungary"
  6. ACH: Why study at the ACH?
  7. Hamburger Abendblatt: "New medical training in Hamburg"
  8. ^ Spiegel Online: "How Numerus Clausus Refugees Buy Study Places in Germany"
  9. ACH: Selection and Admission
  10. ACH: example timetable
  11. ACH: FAQ
  12. ACH: Cooperations
  13. Ärzteblatt: "Studies: German-Hungarian Degree"
  14. SZ Online: "Dr. med. Hungary"
  15. ACH: Financing
  16. File number 4 Bf 190 / 15.Z / 2 K 2004/14
  17. ^ ACH: Tuition fees
  18. ^ Ä "Asklepios founds medical faculty in Hamburg"
  19. Deutschlandfunk: "Doctor with Diploma"
  20. ACH: FAQ under point 8.

Coordinates: 53 ° 33 '31 "  N , 10 ° 1' 11.2"  E