Asperula arcadiensis

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Asperula arcadiensis
Asperula arcadiensis

Asperula arcadiensis

Subfamily : Rubioideae
Tribe : Rubieae
Sub tribus : Rubiinae
Genre : Meier ( Asperula )
Section : Hexaphylla
Type : Asperula arcadiensis
Scientific name
Asperula arcadiensis

Asperula arcadiensis is a flowering plant in the family of the redness plants (Rubiaceae). It isnative tosouthern Greece and grows on limestone in mountainous regions. A common English common name is "Arcadian woodruff".


Appearance and leaf

Asperula arcadiensis grows as a cushion-shaped, lawn-forming, perennial herbaceous plant and reaches heights of 8 to 15 (rarely 4 to 18) centimeters. The weak, square stems woody at their base are hairy . The fewer than twelve internodes follow one another at more or less equal intervals and are hardly longer in the upper areas.

The foliage leaves are opposite and form an apparent whorl of six (rarely seven) leaves with the identical-looking stipules . The simple, densely haired leaf blades are usually 8 to 10 (rarely 4 to 12) millimeters in length and usually 1.5 to 2.5 (rarely 1.2 to 3) millimeters wide, more or less broadly lanceolate. The leaf margins are slightly rolled down. The leaf veining is determined by a midrib.

Inflorescence, flower and fruit

Few and sessile flowers are with bracts in terminal, pyramidal inflorescences .

The hermaphroditic flowers are radial symmetry and four-fold. The four pink, bare petals form the narrow funnel-shaped crown. It consists of the 8 to 10 (rarely up to 12) millimeter long corolla tube and the four (rarely 1.5 to) 2 to 3 millimeter long and lanceolate, more or less inwardly curved corolla lobes. The stylus towers over the corolla tube. The ovary is egg-shaped.

The somewhat grainy and bald fruit measures around 2 millimeters.

Chromosome number

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 22.


Asperula arcadiensis was published in Botanical Magazine by John Sims in 1820 ; or, Flower-Garden Displayed, table 2146 first described . A synonym for Asperula arcadiensis Sims is Asperula mollis Boiss.

Asperula arcadiensis belongs to the section Hexaphylla within the genus Asperula .



  • Friedrich Ehrendorfer , Franz Krendl : Asperula. In: TG Tutin, VH Heywood, NA Burges, DM Moore, DH Valentine, SM Walters, DA Webb (eds.): Flora Europaea . Volume 4: Plantaginaceae to Compositae (and Rubiaceae) . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1976, ISBN 0-521-08717-1 , pp. 12 (English, limited preview in the Google book search - genus Asperula including key (p. 4–6, section Hexaphylla (p. 11) and Asperula arcadiensis itself (p. 12), from the unchanged reprint from 2010 ( ISBN 978- 0-521-15369-0 )).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ John Sims: Asperula arcadiensis, Arcadian Woodruff . In: Sherwood, Neely, & Jones (Eds.): Curtis's Botanical Magazine; . or, Flower-Garden Displayed. tape 47 . W. & S. Couchman, London 1820 ( Plate 2146 online - scanned at

Web links

Commons : Asperula arcadiensis  - collection of images, videos and audio files