Asteropeia (daughter of Pelias)

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Asteropeia ( Greek  Ἀστερόπεια ) is a daughter of Pelias in Greek mythology .

At Pausanias she is one of the daughters of Pelias who slaughtered and boiled him because of Medea's promise to save her father with it. After this, she had to flee to Arcadia , where a hill was built over her grave after her death.

Pausanias reports that the names of the daughters of Pelias have not been passed down, but that the painter Mikon left the names Asteropeia and Antinoe . In Hyginus Mythographus and Diodorus the names of the daughters of Pelias to be named, said there Asteropeia not occur.

With the name form Asterope (Greek Ἀστερόπη ) it is depicted on an Attic Onos from Eretria .



  1. ^ Pausanias 8:11 , 2-3.
  2. Hyginus Mythographus, Fabulae 24; Diodorus 4, 53.