Athos Palma

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Athos Palma (born June 7, 1891 in Buenos Aires ; died January 10, 1951 in Miramar ) was an Argentine composer and music teacher.


Palma had piano lessons with Cayetano Troiani and cello lessons with José García Ascot at the Conservatorio Santa Cecilia . While traveling through Europe between 1904 and 1909 he continued his musical education and met Paul Dukas . In Buenos Aires he then studied medicine, education and composition.

In 1916 his Cantares y danzas appeared . From 1924 to 1951, Palma taught harmony, counterpoint and composition at the Conservatorio Nacional de Música y Declamación . His students included u. a. Ángel E. Lasala , Roberto García Morillo , Carlos Guastavino , Carlos Guastavino, Isabel Aretz , Arnaldo D'Espósito and Isidro Maiztegui . From 1934 to 1937 he was general director of the Teatro Colón . He was also Inspector General for Music at the Consejo Nacional de Educación and a member of the Comisión Nacional de Cultura . Between 1941 and 1945 he was co-editor of the Antología de compositores argentinos .

In addition to chamber music works, symphonic poems such as Jardines and Los hijos del sol and the symphony Entre las montañas , Palma a. a. three stage works: the opera Nazdah with a libretto by Gino Amici di San Leo based on José Maria Eça de Queiroz (1924), the ballet Aclla Kuranko (1929) and the mystery play El príncipe pastor based on Oscar Wilde (1931). He is also the author of the music didactic writings La teoría de la música and Tratado completo de armonía .


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