Au premier coup

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Au premier coup (Joseph Weber (painter))
Au premier coup
Joseph Weber (painter) , 1836
Oil on canvas
55 × 44 cm

Au premier coup is a painting by Joseph Weber . The portrait of the businessman Ludwig Gloeckler captures the result of an unusual hunting incident.


The portrait format shows Ludwig Gloeckler in full figure. He is sitting on a tree trunk in front of a rock on which the events of the successful day of the hunt are reported. A hunting dog lies at his feet and the two slain animals, a deer and a doe, can be seen in front of the rock. The background is a forest and rock scenery under a gloomy sky.

The stout Gloeckler wears a knee-length, green hunting coat. A deer catcher and a powder horn are strapped over it. He is holding a handkerchief in his right hand, and in his left he is holding the powder horn that rests on his thigh. a twin rifle leans between his legs .

Gloeckler is placed a little to the left of the center of the picture. The light stone on the right bears the inscription “Anno MDCCCXXVI d. At about shoulder height of the successful hunter. Jan. 12, Ludwig Gloeckler shot a deer and an adult animal in Langenalb with the same bullet, which wounded a third piece - see Sylvan Jahrbuch from 1825 a. 26 by Fischer u. Borch. ”Further down, between the archer's left elbow and the antlers of the stag that was killed, is the painter's signature with the year.


The unusual hunting success that Weber recorded in this picture was discussed in Sylvan. Yearbook for foresters, hunters and hunting enthusiasts reports on the years 1825/26 : According to this report, Gloeckler took part in a drive hunt in the Baden forest near Langenalb in December 1825 - which contradicts the information on the picture - and shot an "old animal, which a certain Schütze had looked for a deer shortly before. ”When looking at the hunted animal, he found that his bullet had“ broken the spine of the unfortunate wild matron and pierced the heart of her young gallant ”- because it was lying next to the hunted adult also a Gabler . There is nothing in the Sylvan about a third animal that was also hit by this bullet .

Parallel portrait

Gustav Nehrlich's portrait of Gloeckler

Another portrait of Gloeckler, created by Gustav Nehrlich , was offered for sale in 1991 together with Weber's oil painting. It looks like a section from Weber's painting, if you ignore the fact that the strap that runs over Gloeckler's left shoulder is not there. In the auction catalog of the Nagel auction house , the combination of the two pictures was commented as follows: “Extremely interesting example of a collaboration between artists from very different art circles. Since the sitter died in Antwerp, it could be that both works were created in the Cologne area. ”This assumption is also based on the fact that Weber worked as a portraitist in Cologne for a long time. The combination of the two pictures is called a very interesting cultural monument. According to Thieme / Becker Weber was, however, only act 1841 to 1858 in Cologne, but Nehrlich died already 1840. A collaboration would therefore if you have anything, occurred earlier and probably more in the former living environment of the portrayed: Nehrlich consisting Karlsruhe came , moved into the academy in Munich in 1829 , but had already been trained by his father. Weber, on the other hand, was a native of Mannheim and also worked there for a time; he also studied in Karlsruhe.

On the person of Gloeckler

In the report in Sylvan Gloeckler is referred to as a merchant and wine merchant from Karlsruhe. An inscription on the back of Nehrlich's portrait contains the information that it concerns Johan Ludwig Wolfgang Gloeckler, who was born in Kirchheim unter Teck on June 19, 1785 and died in Antwerp on November 20, 1859 . Glöckler married Amalie Holtz, who came from Karlsruhe and died in Baden-Baden , and had a daughter with her named Maria Amalie Thekla, who was born in Karlsruhe in 1811.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Stuttgart art auction house Dr. F. Nagel, special auction opening “Mörikehof”. 337th auction , Stuttgart 1991, p. 256 f.
  2. Christian Peter Laurop: Sylvan: a yearbook for forest men, hunters u. Hunting friends for d. ... year . Groos, 1826, p. 191.
  3. Family tree on