Audronius Beišys

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Audronius Beišys (born February 3, 1953 in Skaudvilė , Rajongemeinde Tauragė ) is a Lithuanian border guard and police superintendent , from 1996 to 1998 head of the Lithuanian border guards , colonel of the Lithuanian armed forces .


In 1976 he graduated from the SM Kirov Military College in Leningrad and until 1989 served in the Soviet Army . In 1991 he headed a subdivision at the Ministry of Defense of Lithuania . From 1992 to 1994 he was chief of staff of the brigade Geležinis vilkas , 1994-1996 adjutant of the Lithuanian president , from 1995 colonel . From 1996 to 1998 he was chief commissioner of the Lithuanian border guard (Border Police Department), appointed by Prime Minister Mindaugas Stankevičius and Interior Minister Virgilijus Bulovas . In 2003 he was Minister Advisor at the Ministry of Interior of Lithuania .


1993: Vyčio Kryžiaus ordinas , 5th level


  1. Dėl. A. Beišio ( Valstybės žinios , November 2, 1996, No. 105-2420)
  2. Stasys Knezys. Audronius Beišys. Visuotinė lietuvių enciklopedija , T. II (Arctic Beketas). - Vilnius: Mokslo ir enciklopedijų Leidybos institutas, 2002. 780 psl.