Eye sirens group

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Escape from Troy: Aeneas carries Anchises . A – side of a neck amphora, around 510 BC. Chr .; Staatliche Antikensammlungen , Munich (inventory number 1496 (= J 91))

The Eye sirens group is one with a provisional names named group Attic - black-figure vase painters. Their works are dated to the last quarter of the 6th century BC. Dated.

The eye-siren group belongs to the circle of the Antimenes painter . She decorates vase shapes similar to this one, amphorae and hydration . The group is far less productive, but achieves a similarly high quality in its best plants. The eponymous vase, a neck amphora , shows Peleus wrestling with Thetis , flanked by two eyes that are part of two sirens . The motif is reminiscent of a vase by the Amasis painter . Occasionally the painters of the group show additional animal friezes on their neck amphorae, which are borrowed from the decorations of the hydriai and which are reminiscent of their predella .


Web links

Commons : Eye Sirens Group  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files