August Abegg

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August Abegg

August Abegg (born December 31, 1861 in Zurich , † November 2, 1924 in Turin ) was a Swiss textile manufacturer . He was the son of Carl Abegg-Arter and brother of Carl Abegg .

August Abegg first attended high school in Zurich and, from 1878, the trade school in Geneva and then worked in the office of his father's company. His father granted him pecuniary support so that he and Emilio Wild could build a cotton mill in Borgone Susa in 1881 . This company developed into the largest textile company in Piedmont , which primarily enabled the use of the latest technology. From 1905 on, the first steam turbine from Brown, Boveri & Cie. for use. In 1907 the company was converted into the Cotonficio Val di Susa stock corporation, of which the Abegg brothers became the sole partners in 1913 after Wilds left. In 1923, the company not only had seven spinning mills, but also a weaving mill. In recognition of his services, the Italian King August Abegg awarded a medal with the rank of Commendatore. August's share was taken over by his nephew Werner Abegg after his death .

August Abegg, who had married the Zurich merchant's daughter Anna Rüegg in 1889, was a pioneer in the introduction of synthetic fiber production in Italy. He owned shares in several electricity companies and banks. In 1906, along with Emilio Wild, Giovanni Agnelli senior and other entrepreneurs, he was one of the supporters of the Turin Industrial Union.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Biographical encyclopedia of German-speaking entrepreneurs. Volume 1. S. 1
  2. ^ A b Christian Sonderegger: Abegg, August. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  3. Gaetano Arfè:  Abegg, Augusto. In: Alberto M. Ghisalberti (Ed.): Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI). Volume 1:  Aaron – Albertucci. Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Rome 1960.