August Hermann Schmidt

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August Hermann Schmidt (born November 13, 1858 in Colditz ; † June 11, 1942 in Leipzig ) was a German architect .


Schmidt worked with Arthur Johlige (1857–1937) in the joint architects' office Schmidt & Johlige in Leipzig, which planned and executed numerous important buildings in the city.

Apparently, Schmidt invested some of his income in real estate. B. also as the owner of the building Dittrichring 14 can be proven.

His son Gottfried Hermann Schmidt (* 1892) was also an architect. His grandchildren include the bank manager Albrecht Schmidt and the lawyer Peter Schmidt .

Buildings and designs (selection)

Villa Sack in Leipzig-Plagwitz, today the seat of the 5th criminal division of the Federal Court of Justice


  • Helmut Strehlau (ed.): German gender book . Genealogical handbook of middle class families . Volume 167, Starke Verlag, Limburg an der Lahn 1974, p. 513.
  • Christina Hartz, Frank Hartz (Ed.): Leipzig buildings by August Hermann Schmidt. F. Hartz, Pöcking 2003.

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