August Steffen

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August Steffen in 1875

August Steffen (born December 6, 1825 in Stettin ; † January 7, 1910 there ) was a German pediatrician .

Johann Theodor August Steffen was born as the son of the secret medical councilor Dr. August Wilhelm Steffen and his wife Juliane Böhmer were born. He attended the Marienstiftsgymnasium in Stettin until 1844 and studied medicine in Bonn , Heidelberg and Halle . In 1848 he received his doctorate in Halle, followed by his license to practice medicine in 1849 . After studying in Paris, Steffen returned to Stettin in 1850.

In Stettin, Steffen became head of the children's sanatorium in 1853, which was able to move to new premises in 1856, which formed the city's first modern hospital. In 1859 he set up a polyclinic here where children of poor parents were treated free of charge. Around 1860, after long negotiations, he obtained the right to dissection of corpses for scientific purposes. In 1868 he opened the first clinical vacation courses for older students and younger colleagues in the children's hospital.

August Steffen was editor of the yearbook for paediatrics from 1868 to 1900 . Also in 1868 he founded the Pediatric Medicine Section of the Society of German Natural Scientists and Doctors at the Dresden Naturalists' Meeting . From the section, the Society for Pediatrics was formed in 1883 , of which Steffen was first chairman until 1900. Steffen was awarded the title of a Secret Medical Council.

Steffen was married to Johanna Emilie Ulrich, who died 11 months after the wedding after giving birth to a daughter. In 1856 he married Pauline Böttcher, the daughter of a Stettin merchant, for a second time. With her he had a son († 1899) and two daughters.

Works (selection)

  • Clinic of Teething. 3 volumes. Berlin 1865–1889.
  • Malignant tumors in childhood. Stuttgart 1905.


  • Martin Bethe: August Steffen . In: Landesgeschichtliche Forschungsstelle für Pommern (Hrsg.): Pommersche Lebensbilder . Volume 3: Pomerania of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries (= publications of the Historical Commission for Pomerania. Vol. 5, 3). Saunier, Stettin 1939, pp. 318-326.
  • Eckhard Wendt: Stettiner Lebensbilder (= publications of the Historical Commission for Pomerania . Series V, Volume 40). Böhlau, Cologne / Weimar / Vienna 2004, ISBN 3-412-09404-8 , pp. 436–437.

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