August Violand

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August Violand (born February 8, 1750 in Endingen am Kaiserstuhl , † November 12, 1811 in Tunsel ) was a German Benedictine monk , church musician and composer . He worked in the monastery of St. Trudpert .


Violand was born in Endingen am Kaiserstuhl in 1750. Presumably he later studied with the Italian composer Pasquale Anfossi , with whom he composed some works together. After joining the St. Trudpert monastery, he worked as a vicar in Grunern and as a pastor in Tunsel. Violand was a choirmaster and organist in the St. Trudpert Monastery.


Like many ambitious monastery musicians of that time, Violand also left behind his own compositional work. Two masses, seven offerings, four Vespers and numerous other religious vocal works have survived.

Offertory Pro Festo Martyrum

The offertory in honor of the martyrs appeared on the CD "Festive Music from Southwest German Benedictine Monasteries" from the label " Ars Musici ". It was written around 1790. The text was probably written by a confrere of Violand or by himself.

It is a three-part work for solos, choir and instruments (2 violins, viola, 2 trumpets, timpani and organ).

The first movement (Andante) is a recitative (bass) to the text "Filii Jerusalem, venite et videte Martyros cum coronis, quibus coronavit eos Dominus in the solemnitatis et laetitiae." - "You sons of Jerusalem, come and see the martyrs with their crowns, with which the Lord has crowned them on the festive happy day."

The vocal soloists create the 2nd movement (Andante molto), partly as a soloist, partly as a duet, based on the text "Ecce quomodo computati sunt inter filios Dei et inter Sanctos sors illorum est." - "See how they are counted among the sons of God. Their share is among the saints, they share their happiness."

In the 3rd movement (Allegro molto) the choir and soloists take turns. The text of this section reads: "Sancti et justi in Domino gaudete. Vos elegit Dominus in haereditatem sibi. Alleluia." - "You saints and righteous, rejoice in the Lord. The Lord has chosen you to be his heirs. Alleluia."


  • Booklet accompanying the CD Festive Music from Southwest German Benedictine Monasteries in the 18th Century , Freiburg Music Forum 2002