August Wilhelm Thienemann

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August Wilhelm Thienemann (1830-1884)

August Wilhelm Thienemann (born April 24, 1830 in Droyzut , † November 5, 1884 in Zangenberg ) was a German pastor, ornithologist and bird conservationist.

Live and act

His father Georg August Wilhelm Thienemann (1781–1863) was also a theologian and ornithologist, so it was not surprising that he was interested in this field of research from an early age. His son Johannes Thienemann (1863–1938) and his grandfather Johann August Thienemann (1749–1812) were also important ornithologists of their time. His uncle Friedrich August Ludwig Thienemann (1793-1858) was a well-known doctor and naturalist. As a boy, August Wilhelm collected birds' eggs , stones, shells, buttons, pot handles and much more. Serious science eventually evolved from this child's play. When he died, the legacy of his egg collection was considered to be one of the most complete and exemplary of its time. Although he knew his way around systematics , he was not considered a systematist. Instead, he focused on the observation of animals, as well as on the care and protection of birds. At his parsonage in Zangenberg he had a large aviary in which he kept rare native and exotic birds. Preferably from his porch he studied the song of the birds. In his notebook he meticulously recorded the songs of cardinals , warblers and the rooster of the neighborhood.

In 1876 and 1877 gave Eugen Dietrich Adalbert of Schlechtendal (1830 to 1881) for the first time the monthly magazine of the Saxon-Thuringian Association for Ornithology and Bird Protection Halle out, with the third volume in 1878 in Monthly Magazine of the German Association for the Protection of birds rose . After the death of Schlechtendals on May 24, 1881 in Weißenfels , Thienemann took over the chairmanship of the German Association for the Protection of the Bird World and, with number 6 of Volume 7, also became the editor of the monthly , the association's publication organ.

It was not so much his publications or travels with which Thienemann gained recognition and respect among the ornithologists and authorities of his time. He was in constant friendly correspondence with many people with the same interests. He was repeatedly used for questions of protection in laws and ordinances. In the spring of 1884 he received from the Prussian Minister of Agriculture Robert Lucius von Ballhausen (1835-1814) the mandate of Prussia to perceive at the first meeting of the International Ornithological Congress on April 10, 1884 in Vienna. To his chagrin, Thienemann was not allowed to really go to Vienna. His last public appearance was the October meeting of the association in Torgau .

Shortly before his death he visited his friend Karl Theodor Liebe (1828-1894) in Gera . At that time he already suspected the impending death, since he was already talking about the last meeting of the two. The death was not unexpected, because six years earlier he developed a heart condition as a result of joint rheumatism . He died of sudden cardiac arrest at home in the presence of his wife.

Fonts (selection)

  • The birds that nest within my four stakes I. The great tit . In: Monthly magazine of the Saxon-Thuringian Association for Ornithology and Bird Protection in Halle . tape 2 , 1877, p. 115-117 .
  • The bird world nesting within my four stakes II. The red tail . In: Monthly magazine of the Saxon-Thuringian Association for Ornithology and Bird Protection in Halle . tape 2 , 1877, p. 117-120 .
  • The bird life nesting within my four stakes III. The red tail . In: Monthly magazine of the Saxon-Thuringian Association for Ornithology and Bird Protection in Halle . tape 2 , 1877, p. 178-180 .
  • The bird world nestling within my four piles IV. The green compact . In: Monthly magazine of the Saxon-Thuringian Association for Ornithology and Bird Protection in Halle . tape 2 , 1877, p. 180-182 .
  • The bird life nesting within my four stakes III. The linnet . In: Monthly of the German Association for the Protection of the Bird World . tape 3 , no. 1 , 1878, p. 11-14 ( online [accessed September 9, 2015]).
  • The birds nesting within my four stakes IV. The sparrows . In: Monthly of the German Association for the Protection of the Bird World . tape 3 , no. 4 , 1878, p. 71-77 ( online [accessed September 9, 2015]).
  • Concerning chicken diseases . In: Monthly of the German Association for the Protection of the Bird World . tape 3 , no. 5/6 , 1878, p. 85-87 ( online [accessed September 9, 2015]).
  • The bustard . In: Monthly of the German Association for the Protection of the Bird World . tape 3 , no. 5/6 , 1878, p. 109 ( online [accessed September 9, 2015]).
  • The bird world nestling within my four stakes V. The turning neck . In: Monthly of the German Association for the Protection of the Bird World . tape 3 , no. 8/9 , 1878, pp. 144–147 ( online [accessed September 9, 2015]).
  • New report on the Zergtrappe in Thuringia . In: Monthly of the German Association for the Protection of the Bird World . tape 3 , no. 12 , 1878, p. 205–206 ( online [accessed September 9, 2015]).
  • The little bustard (Otis tetrax) hibernates with us as a line and standing bird . In: Monthly of the German Association for the Protection of the Bird World . tape 4 , no. 1/2 , 1879, p. 26–28 ( online [accessed September 9, 2015]).
  • The bird world nestling within my four stakes VI. The noble finch . In: Monthly of the German Association for the Protection of the Bird World . tape 4 , no. 3 , 1879, p. 36–40 ( online [accessed September 9, 2015]).
  • The little bustard as a barnacle and standing bird . In: Monthly of the German Association for the Protection of the Bird World . tape 4 , no. 3 , 1879, p. 41–43 ( online [accessed September 9, 2015]).
  • The birds nesting within my four stakes VII. The white wagtail . In: Monthly of the German Association for the Protection of the Bird World . tape 4 , no. 5/6 , 1879, p. 76-80 ( online [accessed September 9, 2015]).
  • The birds nesting within my four stakes VIII. The flycatcher . In: Monthly of the German Association for the Protection of the Bird World . tape 4 , no. 9/10 , 1879, pp. 141–145 ( online [accessed September 9, 2015]).


  • Karl Theodor love, Eugène Rey, Friedrich August Frenzel: August Wilhelm Thienemann . In: Monthly of the German Association for the Protection of the Bird World . tape 9 , no. 12 , 1884, p. 281–283 ( online [accessed September 9, 2015]).
  • Adolph Drechsler: Georg August Wilhelm Thienemann . In: Meeting reports of the Isis Natural Science Society . No. 1-3 , 1864, pp. 283 ( online [accessed September 9, 2015]).

Individual evidence

  1. Karl Theodor Liebe u. a., p. 281f.
  2. Adolph Drechsler, p. 283.
  3. a b Karl Theodor Liebe u. a., p. 282.
  4. a b c Karl Theodor Liebe u. a., p. 283.