Augusta Klein

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Augusta Klein (born April 30, 1866 in Steyning , † September 15, 1943 in Oxford ) was an English writer.

After four years of studying ancient languages ​​in Cambridge , among other things , the fourth daughter of the wealthy London merchant Wilhelm (William) Klein, who immigrated from Germany, went on extensive journeys through southern Europe, North Africa, the Middle East and India together with her father and initially three and later two sisters . In 1892 she published an article about her trip to Palestine in Blackwood's Magazine . In 1895 her book about her six-month trip to India was published in London under the title Among the Gods, Scenes of India , with Legends by the Way , which is available in several reprint editions. Eventually she was a co-author of William Ralph Boyce Gibson's book The Problem of Logic , London 1908. She remained unmarried and later took her mother's maiden name, Kirby.