Auguste Frühauf

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Auguste Frühauf , née Auguste Mayerhofer , (* 1810 in Karlsruhe , † 1852 in Frankfurt am Main ) was a German child actress and stage actress .


Frühauf was an actor's child and was raised for the stage by her father. She already appeared in children's roles at a young age. At the age of 18 she was engaged in Frankfurt am Main after a successfully completed guest performance ("Christine" in Queen of 16 years , "Leopoldine" in the best tone , "Kunigunde" in Hans Sachs ), on which stage she worked until 1844, pulled However, he withdrew from the theater completely that year and died in Frankfurt in 1852.


In spite of the fact that Frühauf only worked as an artist for 6 years, the criticism of the time gave her brilliant testimony to her talent:

"Frühauf was an actress who unfolded such finely detailed characteristics of the comedy on the screen of rare natural grace as only very few actresses in Germany. She is an inspiration through and through and will therefore always have to adhere to truth and poetry Indeed, it bears a great resemblance to Mars - for we may use the greatest standard here - it resembles itself in a certain tendency towards a sentimental tone in comedy, which should not be confused with sentimental manner. .. "



  1. Eisenberg writes 6 here , but this does not match the year of birth, because accordingly she was eighteen years old in 1828 and 16 years old by 1844. Whether Eisenberg was wrong in the year of birth (possibly 1820) or here (possibly 16 years) cannot be assessed from this point.

Individual evidence

  1. Theodor Hell : The Queen of 16 years or: Christinens Liebe und Renagung; Drama in two acts , freely edited according to the French. by Theodor Hell, 1831.