Augustin Alexa

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Augustin Alexa (born February 9, 1911 in Mierța, Comuna Cuzăplac, Sălaj district ; † 1979 in Bucharest ) was a Romanian politician of the Romanian Communist Party PCR (Partidul Comunist Român) , who was Minister of Transport between 1951 and 1953 and from 1953 to 1953 Attorney General was.


After primary school, Augustin Alexa attended the “GD Anghelescu” high school in Cluj for three years . After training, he became a blacksmith and mechanic in the workshop of the CFR ( Căile Ferate Române ) railway company in Cluj on April 27, 1929 and then between 1935 and his dismissal on July 20, 1942 in the CFR workshop in Timișoara . In 1939 he joined the Romanian Communist Party PCdR (Partidul Comunist din România) founded on May 8, 1921 . On February 16, 1945 he was first again a mechanic in the CFR workshop in Cluj, but already on December 18, 1945 instructor in the electromechanical school of the CFR workshop in Cluj and on January 1, 1946 to work in the Cluj trade union commission optional.

At the Sixth Party Congress of the PMR (February 21-23, 1948) Alexa was elected a member of the Central Committee (ZK) and was a member of this governing body until his death. On April 15, 1948 he became general director of the General Management of the railway company Căile Ferate Române and at the same time on July 6, 1948 a member of the State Commission for Grain Collections. At the same time he was a member of the Grand National Assembly (Marea Adunare Națională) between 1948 and 1974 . On February 1, 1949, he was appointed Vice Minister for Railways, before becoming Minister of Transport (Ministrul Transporturilor.) In the Groza IV cabinet on April 6, 1951 . He held this post between June 2, 1952 and January 24, 1953 in the Gheorghiu-Dej I cabinet . Then he took over on January 29, 1953 from Anton Tatu Jianu the post of General Prosecutor (Procuror General) of the People's Republic of Romania and held this office until March 29, 1973 in the Socialist Republic of Romania. In the Grand National Assembly he became a member of the commission for the drafting of a new constitution on March 25, 1961 and was last member of the Constitution and Law Committee on March 18, 1974.

Alexa has received several awards for his longstanding services and received, among other things, the Star of the People's Republic of Romania, Second Class (Ordinul Steaua Republicii Populare Române) in 1948, the Order of Labor Third Class (Ordinul Muncii) in 1948, and the Order of Defense of the Fatherland Third Class in 1949 ( Apărarea Patriei ) , 1959 the order of August 23, third class (Ordinul August 23) , 1957 the medal for the 10th anniversary of the People's Republic (Medalia "A 10-a aniversare a RPR") , 1961 the order of work, first class, 1961 the medal for the 40th anniversary of the Communist Party (Medalia "40 de ani de la înființarea PCR") , 1964 the order August 23, second class, 1966 the order Tudor Vladimirescu, second class ( Ordinul Tudor Vladimirescu) , the medal for liberation from the fascist yoke (Medalia "Eliberarea de sub jugul fascist") , 1971 the star of the Socialist Republic of Romania first class (Ordinul Steaua Republicii Socialiste Romania) and in 1972 the medal for the anniversary of the People's Republic (Medalia "A 25-a aniversare a RPR")


  • Augustin Alexa. In: Florica Dobre (ed.): Consiliul Național pentru Studiera Arhivelor Securității. Membrii CC al PCR 1945-1989. Dicționary. Editura Enciclopedicã, Bucharest 2004, ISBN 973-45-0486-X , p. 66 ( PDF; 12.1 MB ).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Cabinet Groza IV
  2. Gheorghiu-Dej I cabinet