Augusto Ferreira Gomes

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Augusto Ferreira Gomes (* 1892 in Lisbon , Portugal ; † 1953 ibid) was a Portuguese poet and journalist . He was one of Fernando Pessoa's closest friends and belonged to Portugal's literary avant-garde .

Live and act

Gomes was born in Lisbon and worked there as a journalist. He met Fernando Pessoa, who became one of his few and closest friends. Gomes conducted a legendary interview with Pessoa that was even printed in the translation in a French newspaper and was conducted with the poet because of the disappearance of Aleister Crowley at the Boca do Inferno . He is considered a representative of the 1st modernism in Portugal and has written for magazines such as Contemporanea and Athena .

Throughout his life he was surrounded by a touch of the mysterious: he was very interested in occultism and esotericism , there are only very few photos of him and he always eluded a broad literary public. Nor did he reveal his homosexuality, which was known in literary circles, although he never denied it. He should have contributed the homoerotic poem “O morte de Faun” (The Death of the Faun ) to the planned but never realized third edition of the legendary magazine “ Orpheu ” . Overall, his character is described as unstable and neurotic. Much of his life has remained in the dark to this day. During the book burning, in which the works of António Botto and Raul Leal were also burned, his books were also thrown into the fire, mainly because of their homoerotic connotations .


  • 1915: Raja da doentia, poetry.
  • 1921: Procissional, poetry.
  • 1922: O cosme.
  • 1923: Mumio assasina.
  • 1934: Quinto Imperio (Fifth Empire), poetry.

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