Augusto Rosa

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Augusto Rosa (also Agostino Rosa, born July 11, 1738 in Rome , † April 2, 1784 in Rome) was an Italian architect who specialized in the production of cork models . He was a descendant of the painter Salvator Rosa and lived in his house on Via Gregoriana in Rome. He is said to have invented phelloplastics (cork making) in 1772 or between 1780 and 1790. However, other artists may also have realized such an idea during this time, for example Giovanni Altieri (documented 1766 / 67–1790) and Antonio Chichi (1743–1816) were active as manufacturers of cork models in Rome.

So far, only one cork model signed by Rosa has been identified, a model of the so-called Poseidon Temple in Paestum in the Musée d'Archéologie Nationale in Saint-Germain-en-Laye . Rosa made the necessary measurements herself in 1777 during a trip with Giovanni Battista Piranesi .



  1. ^ Franz Oberthür : About the inventor of the Phelloplastik. In: Journal of Luxury and Fashions. 20, 1805, pp. 288-290 ( digitized version ); During his stay in Rome, Oberthür lived in Augusto Rosa's house.
  2. ^ Cork making (Greek phelloplastic) . In: Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon . 6th edition. Volume 6, Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig / Vienna 1906, p.  500 .
  3. ^ Michael McCarthy: Documents on the Greek Revival in Architecture. In: The Burlington Magazine. 114, 836, 1972, pp. 750-759 note 41.