Legal Philosophy Committee

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The committee for legal philosophy consisted of the National Socialist Academy for German Law under the direction of Hans Frank .

Foundation and goal setting

The committee has worked since its inception on November 3–5. May 1934 in the Weimar Nietzsche Archive . The managing chairman was the Jena legal philosopher Carl August Emge . In addition to Frank and Emge, another fifteen founding members were present: the legal philosopher Julius Binder , the international law expert Viktor Bruns , the sociologist, historian and philosopher Hans Freyer , the philosopher Martin Heidegger , the lawyer Ernst Heymann , the lawyer Erich Jung , the emeritus law professor Wilhelm Kisch , the psychiatrist Max Mikorey , the medievalist Hans Naumann , the lawyer Helmut Nicolai , the architect and Nazi ideologist Alfred Rosenberg , the psychologist and philosopher Erich Rothacker , the lawyer and philosopher Carl Schmitt , the legal philosopher Rudolf Stammler , the biologist and zoologist Jakob Johann von Uexkull . In 1935, the elementary school teacher and editor of Stürmer , Julius Streicher, was reappointed.

In the opening speech, Frank took up Friedrich Nietzsche : “The breakthrough of the philosophy of law therefore means: solemnly saying goodbye to the development of a philosophy of servants in the service of un-German dogmas. Our goal should be the right to life and not the right of form. … Our right should serve the general public…, but it should be a master’s right and not a slave’s right. The concept of the state of National Socialism is being rebuilt by us on the unity and purity of German humanity, formulated and implemented in the law and in the Führer principle ... In this sense, I ask that the committee be constituted as a fighting committee of National Socialism. "At the final press conference on 5. In May 1934, Frank announced to over 200 journalists that “the foundation of our legislation is the preservation of the racial value of our people”.

The files of the Legal Philosophy Committee were destroyed in 1938; Therefore, apart from the minutes of the constituent meeting, there is only one other documentary record for its activities: a list of the names of the members, which was only published in 2018. The publication, initiated by the linguist François Rastier and the publicist Kaveh Nassirin , sparked the international debate on Martin Heidegger and fake news .


  • Emmanuel Faye: Heidegger. The introduction of National Socialism into philosophy , Berlin 2009, pp. 275–278
  • Victor Farías: Heidegger and the National Socialism , S. Fischer, Frankfurt am M. 1989, pp. 277-280
  • Kaveh Nassirin: Martin Heidegger and the legal philosophy of the Nazi era: detailed analysis of an unknown document (BArch R 61/30, sheet 171) , FORVM u. PhilPapers pdf

Individual evidence

  1. Frankfurter Zeitung of May 4, 1934 quoted. n., Victor Farías, Heidegger and National Socialism , Frankfurt am Main, 1989, p. 277; on the appointment of J. Streicher see ibid.
  2. Kaveh Nassirin: Worked against the genocides? In: . Retrieved July 17, 2018 .