François Rastier

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François Rastier (born February 12, 1945 in Toulouse ) is a French linguist and semiotic .

Rastier is known for developing a holistic theory of interpretive semantics : from the level of the word to the text, and expanded to the literary corpus . He worked at the Center national de la recherche scientifique .

One of the main areas of research is the semiotics of cultures. Rastier worked as a member of a European project group that dealt with the automatic detection of racist websites. He has published various studies on the literature of extermination and the genre of testimony by contemporary witnesses. His book on Primo Levi's poems Ulysse à Auschwitz was awarded the Auschwitz Foundation Prize in 2005. In the book Shipwreck of a Prophet , Rastier takes a critical look at Martin Heidegger's interpretation after the publication of the Black Booklet .

Debate about "fake news"

Rastier's accusation, expressed in newspaper articles, that the Committee for Legal Philosophy , to which Heidegger belonged, was involved in the Holocaust “in practice” , was rejected by Kaveh Nassirin as “completely untenable”. A joint reply by Sidonie Kellerer and François Rastier, who were accused of “ fake news ”, appeared under the title Worked against the genocides , followed by the duplicate shipwreck of a semiotic: On François Rastier's thesis that Martin Heidegger participated in the Holocaust .

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. ^ Prize-winners of the Auschwitz Foundation Prizes
  3. François Rastier, Heidegger, théoricien et acteur de l'extermination of juifs ?, The Conversation November 1, 2017
  4. Kaveh Nassirin: Worked against the genocides? In: . Retrieved July 17, 2018 . ; ders., Martin Heidegger and the legal philosophy of the Nazi era: detailed analysis of an unknown document (BArch R 61/30, sheet 171) , complete version of the shortened text in the FAZ,, 2018, pdf also in: FORVM with the FAZ article as PDF.
  5. In: FORVM (accessed October 28, 2018)
  6. FORVM (accessed November 13, 2018)