Agave durangensis

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Agave durangensis
Agave durangensis.jpg

Agave durangensis

Order : Asparagales (Asparagales)
Family : Asparagaceae (Asparagaceae)
Subfamily : Agave family (Agavoideae)
Genre : Agaves ( agave )
Subgenus : agave
Type : Agave durangensis
Scientific name
Agave durangensis

Agave durangensis is a plant from the genus of the Agave ( agave ). An English common name is "Gentry's Durango-Zacatecas Agave".


Agave durangensis grows individually, forms a short trunk or forms large, compact groups with heights of 40 to 90 cm and 120 to 180 cm in diameter. The gray to bluish, variably arranged, stiff or curved, strong, linear leaves, which are narrower in the upper half, are 40 to 90 cm long and 14 to 22 cm wide. The leaf margins are variably curved and serrated. The strong, brown end thorn is 4 to 6 cm long.

The paniculate, straight or curved inflorescence is 6 to 8 m high. The yellow flowers appear in the upper half of the inflorescence at the end of the numerous, irregularly arranged, long branches and are 60 to 80 mm long.

The round to elongated, three-chambered capsule fruits are 45 to 60 mm long and 16 to 18 mm wide. The black, irregularly shaped seeds are 4.5 to 6 mm long and 3.5 to 4.5 mm wide.

Systematics and distribution

Agave durangensis grows in Mexico in the states of Durango and Zacatecas on stony slopes and Bajadas in grasslands at an altitude of 1700 to 2600 m. It is associated with Yucca decipiens and various types of cacti.

The first description by Howard Scott Gentry was published in 1982.

Agave durangensis is a member of the Ditepalae group . It is common in limited areas in central Mexico.

Agave durangensis can withstand short periods of frost down to minus 10 ° C when it is dry.


  • Howard Scott Gentry: Agave durangensis . In: Agaves of Continental North America . The University of Arizona Press, 1982, pp. 433-436.
  • J. Thiede: Agave durangensis . In: Urs Eggli (Hrsg.): Succulent lexicon. Monocotyledons . Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-8001-3662-7 , pp. 27-28 .

Individual evidence

  1. In: Agaves of Continental North America . 1982, p. 433.

Web links

Commons : Agave durangensis  - Collection of images, videos and audio files