BFK Architects

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BFK Architects is a German architecture firm based in Stuttgart . The work of BFK Architects includes industrial and commercial buildings, administrative buildings, public buildings, schools and parking garages, right up to residential and urban development.  


The office was founded in 1973 by Bernhard Bertsch, Hans-Günther Friedrich and Helmut Kalcher. In 1987 BFK-Plan GmbH formed the basis of general planning. Reiner Hahn strengthens the management of the architecture office as the fourth member in 2000 and Nico Weber joins in 2011. From 2010 to 2015 the founding partners will retire. Since 2016, the office has been headed by Reiner Hahn and Nico Weber, who lead a team of around 40 employees. As of September 2019, the management team will be expanded with Adnan Delić and Sebastian Schild will be in charge of the Digital Construction / CAD / EDV resort.

Buildings and projects (selection)

Thales administration building in Ditzingen


  • Hugo Häring Award BDA Baden-Württemberg , Schauwerk - Museum for Contemporary Art in Sindelfingen, 2011
  • DGNB in ​​Gold for Sustainable Building, Step 8.2 in the Stuttgart Engineering Park, 2011
  • DGNB in ​​gold for sustainable building, office building with logistics hall for Alnatura in Lorsch, 2011
  • Exemplary building award , Winkels administration building Sachsenheim, 2014

Web links


  • Architecture in Baden-Württemberg 2012, Volume 10: Hugo-Häring-Landespreis, Editing: Karl Krämer Verlag Stuttgart, Ed .: Bund Deutscher Architekten (BDA), Landesverband Baden-Württemberg, ISBN 978-3-7828-4053-8 .
  • Wrapping and construction, walls, facades, roof, authors: Eva Maria Herrmann, Martin Krammer, Jörg Sturm, Susanne Wartzeck, ed .: Alexander Reichel, Kerstin Schulzt, Verlag Birkhäuser, ISBN 978-3-0346-0206-8 .

Individual evidence

  1. BFK Architects: BFK website. Retrieved September 17, 2019 .
  2. BFK Architects: BFK website. Retrieved September 17, 2019 .
  3. ^ Association of German Architects »Sindelfingen showroom Reconstruction and expansion of a production facility into a museum for contemporary art. Retrieved November 6, 2018 .
  4. Georg Leisten: Architectural State Baden-Württemberg: Groundbreaking Buildings, Current Trends . Editor: Amber Sayah. Belser Verlag, ISBN 978-3-7630-2661-6 .
  5. BFK Architects. Retrieved November 6, 2018 .
  6. BFK Architects. Retrieved November 6, 2018 .