Baden Sisterhood of the Red Cross

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The Baden Sisterhood of the Red Cross eV - Luis Sisters is a non-profit association with almost a hundred members under the umbrella of the German Red Cross . It is the provider of a senior citizen facility , an outpatient service and provider of living with service in Karlsruhe . In Baden-Württemberg, its members work in hospitals, clinics, hospices and inpatient and outpatient care facilities for the elderly. It has existed since 1859, making it the oldest Red Cross institution in Germany . It was founded on the initiative of Grand Duchess Luise von Baden , Princess of Prussia and daughter of Emperor Wilhelm I, who laid the foundation for the sororities with the establishment of the Baden Women's Association.

Nursing activity

Retirement home Luisenheim

The main task is care for the elderly . The Luisenheim offers barrier-free rooms, wheelchair-accessible garden paths, a chapel, common rooms, numerous activities and an animal visit service.

Luis Sisters outpatient

The outpatient service of the Baden Sisterhood of the Red Cross eV is based in Karlsruhe and offers care services according to § 45 SGB XI, basic care , treatment care , hospital avoidance care, domestic care, preventive care and care advice visits, as well as prescription and medication service.


Trained helpers offer accompaniment, company and support, e.g. B. when visiting a doctor, private activities or shopping.

Assisted living

On the site of the former Luisenheim in Kochstrasse. 2 three city villas were built with a total of 63 senior-friendly, barrier-free supervised apartments. The care offer is divided into the areas of basic service, e.g. B. Welfare reporting system and community activities, and additional services such as cleaning and meals.


The Red Cross Sisters of the Baden Sisterhood of the Red Cross eV work through provision contracts in hospitals and care facilities of other providers in Baden-Württemberg .


The Badische Sisterhood trained in geriatric care until 2020, from 2020 the generalist training as a nursing specialist as well as the training as a geriatric care assistant can be completed. Overall, the sororities are one of the largest training providers for nursing professions in Germany.


The Baden Sisterhood of the Red Cross eV is organized as a registered association . It is the oldest of the 31 German DRK sororities and one of the oldest Red Cross institutions overall. Its founder, Grand Duchess Luise von Baden, is considered a confidante of Henry Dunant . It is largely due to their influence that Baden became the first state in the world to sign the Geneva Conventions . The sisterhood or members are bearers of the Henry Dunant plaque, the Florence Nightingale medal and they were elected Badener of the Year in 2014.

All active members have the right to vote in the annual general meeting. They decide on the developments of the sisterhood, approve the economic planning of the board and elect the board and the advisory board.


In addition to representatives of the sisterhood, members of the board can also be men, for example as deputy chairman, treasurer , lawyer or doctor . The executive board consists of the chairman, her two deputies, a secretary , the treasurer and the lawyer. Heike Diana Wagner is the full-time chairwoman of the board of the Baden Sisterhood of the Red Cross eV, and Sajma Gaspar is the deputy chairwoman. As a person with experience in Red Cross work, Princess Stephanie von Baden supports the organization.

Advisory Board

Advisory board members are volunteers and contact persons for the members and are to be heard by the board of directors on matters relating to the members. The advisory board supports the members with questions, concerns and problems.

Purpose and self-image

The purpose of the sisterhood is to promote public health care and provide relief to people in need . The basis of our actions are the principles of the Red Cross and the professional ethical principles derived from them: humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntariness, unity, universality. As a non-denominational sisterhood, religion, ethnicity, nationality, social status or political convictions are not relevant for membership. The principles are binding. Membership is voluntary. On the part of the sisterhood, membership is lifelong, and the Red Cross Sister remains part of the community even after an active career. With extensive participation and co-determination rights, the members control the fate of the sisterhood.

Administrative headquarters

The office of the Badische Sisterhood with administration and quality management is located in Karlsruhe.

Humanitarian missions at home and abroad and professional policy

The Sisterhood takes part in natural disasters and in crisis areas in foreign missions of the German Red Cross and is involved in professional politics through the Association of Sisterhoods in the German Care Council and the Association of the German Education Council.


The Baden Sisterhood of the Red Cross goes back to the founding of the Baden Women's Association on June 6, 1859 by the young Grand Duchess Luise von Baden . The nursing department of the Badischer Frauenverein became necessary because there was an unusually high number of illnesses and provisions had to be made for times of war. The first so-called nurses were trained at the expense of the women's association and, after the examination, released to their home communities for care . The practical training centers were initially the Vincentiushaus and the Diakonissenanstalt in Karlsruhe . The first nursing station was built in 1860, and nurses were employed in hospitals in the region from 1862 . On June 29, 1866, at the request of the Grand Duchess, the nursing department of the Baden Women's Association was placed under the statutes of the Red Cross.

Milestones were in 1866 the first own hospital, in 1890 the inauguration of the own Ludwig Wilhelm hospital with nursing school, around 1900 the construction of further facilities and the state recognition of the nursing school. The Second World War resulted in the dissolution of the Red Cross institutions. Many Luis Sisters were on the front lines, the facilities had to be evacuated and were largely destroyed. After the war the time of reconstruction began . In 1949 the association regained its legal independence under the new name of the Badische Schwesternschaft vom Red Cross eV. In the decades that followed, the focus was on training , including in special areas, to meet the needs of rapidly growing medicine , as well as on the company's own facilities, which were expanded and modernized. In 1996, the sisterhood received the Henry Dunant plaque for their services. In 2011, the Luisenheim and its administrative headquarters moved into a new building, in 2015 the outpatient nursing service Luisenschwestern started, and in 2017 Luisenhilfe was added as an offer from the sisterhood.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Baden Sisterhood of the Red Cross eV - Luis Sisters -: Baden Sisterhood of the Red Cross e. V. - Sisters of Luis -. Retrieved April 2, 2020 .
  2. ^ A b German Red Cross: The DRK from its beginnings until today. December 18, 2019, accessed April 2, 2020 .
  3. Homepage of the Baden Sisterhood - Luis Sisters Outpatient. Retrieved April 2, 2020 .
  4. ^ Homepage of the Baden Sisterhood - Luisenhilfe. Retrieved April 2, 2020 .
  5. ^ Homepage of the Sisterhood - Assisted Living. Retrieved April 2, 2020 .
  6. Presentation partner of the Baden Sisterhood of the Red Cross eV Accessed on April 2, 2020 .
  7. Personal request to the administration, April 2, 2020
  8. a b c statutes of the Baden Sisterhood of the Red Cross eV - Luis Sisters -
  9. ^ Organization of the Baden Sisterhood of the Red Cross eV Accessed on April 2, 2020 .
  10. ^ A b Association of Sisterhoods of the German Red Cross eV: Retrieved April 2, 2020 .
  11. Press release on the 160th anniversary of the Baden Sisterhood of the Red Cross eV