Barefoot route

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Barefoot route (earth)
Canary Islands
Canary Islands
South seas
South seas
Suez Canal
Suez Canal
Stations on the barefoot route

The term barefoot route comes from seafaring .

Here a ship circumnavigates the globe on a very specific sea route, which mainly leads through tropical or subtropical areas. Due to the climate and weather conditions , it is so warm on deck that the ship's occupants can walk around barefoot - hence the name.

The classic barefoot route leads along the most famous blue water routes from Europe over the Canary Islands , the Caribbean , the South Seas , Australia and New Zealand , Thailand and through the Suez Canal back to the starting point. The section from the Canaries to the West Indies is identical to the regatta course of the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers and the Atlantic Challenge for rowing boats.

See also


  • Rüdiger Hirche, Gaby Kinsberger: From everyday life to the South Seas . 2nd Edition. Delius Klasing, Bielefeld 2001, ISBN 978-3-7688-1308-2 .

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