Bartholomaeus Brixiensis

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Bartholomaeus Brixiensis (* around 1200 in Brescia ; † 1258 there ) was an Italian canon lawyer .


Bartholomaeus studied Roman law in Bologna with Hugolinus de Presbyteriis and canon law with Tancredus. In 1258 he is said to have been murdered in old age when Ezzelino da Romano conquered Brescia . His quite extensive work consists mostly of revisions; In particular, his gloss on the Decretum Gratiani consists in a revision of that of Johannes Teutonicus Zemeke .

Casus decretorum, 1489


  • Brocarda
  • Case decretorum
  • Historiae super libro Decretorum
  • Ordo iudiciarius
  • Quaestiones dominicales vel veneriales (1236–1241)
  • Glossa ordinaria to the Decretum Gratiani (1238 / 1240–1245)


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