Basilian Convent of Sošice

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Basilian Convent of Sošice
Location: Croatia
( Žumberak )
Patronage : Saint Basil the Great
Founding year: 1938
Year of dissolution /
Mother Monastery:
Daughter monasteries:

The Basilian Convent of Sošice is a Greek Catholic monastery in Croatia . It belongs to the religious community of the Basilian Sisters of St. Basil the Great , who live according to the rule of the order of St. Basil the Great .

History of the monastery

The Basilians started building the monastery in 1938 . The land required was donated by a school and the Greek Catholic parish of Sošice. Thanks to donations and other foundations, planning began on January 26, 1938. The solemn groundbreaking ceremony took place in the fall 1938th

The building process also received ecclesiastical support, from the Greek Catholic pastor of Sošice, Stanko Višošević, the later Greek Catholic bishop of Križevci Janko Šimrak and the Roman Catholic cardinal of Zagreb Alojzije Stepinac . The monastery was solemnly opened and consecrated on August 27, 1939 by Bishop Dionisije Njaradi .

The Basilians of the monastery ran a school. In the course of time, the spiritual community of “St. Apostolic Prayer ”and the spiritual and secular community of the“ Croatian-Catholic Peasant Youth ”was founded.

In the turmoil of the Second World War the Basilianerinnenkloster was of Sošice looted and pillaged . In 1959 the monastery was renewed with the help of Cardinal Stepinac, the Greek-Catholic diaspora of Žumberak and the commitment of the nun Vasilija Popović.

The Basilian monastery in Sošice now houses a museum in which, among other things, the typical costume of Žumberak is exhibited.

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