Bellyache coral

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Bellyache coral
Ramaria pallida, Lipik crop.jpg

Bellyache Coral ( Ramaria mairei )

Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : Phallomycetidae
Order : Pig- eared (Gomphales)
Family : Pig's ear relatives (Gomphaceae)
Genre : Corals ( ramaria )
Type : Bellyache coral
Scientific name
Ramaria mairei

The bellyache coral ( Ramaria mairei , syn .: Ramaria pallida ), also known as pale coral or bellyache goatee , is a poisonous species of fungus from the pig's ear relatives .


Macroscopic features

The fruiting body consists of a whitish stalk and several pale, milk-coffee-colored branches that branch upwards several times. The entire structure takes up a space of 5 to 15, rarely up to 20 centimeters in diameter. The branches are longitudinally wrinkled and closely arranged, their ends are partly weakly purple-reddish in color and with blunt teeth. The mushroom tastes mild to bitter and smells faintly like soapy water or slightly sour.

Microscopic features

The spores measure 9-12 × 4.5-6.5 micrometers, are elliptical-ovoid, yellowish and with a fine black surface. There is no color reaction with iodine chemicals (not amyloid ). The spore powder appears pale yellow.

Species delimitation

The bellyache coral stands out from other corals by pale, milk coffee-colored branches. Other corals such as the even more poisonous three-colored coral ( Ramaria formosa ), the poisonous yellowish coral ( Ramaria flavescens ), the inedible spruce spruce ( Ramaria abietina ), the inedible pine ( Ramaria eumorpha ) and the edible golden yellow coral ( Ramaria aurea ) can be confused. in question. The edible, rare (schonenswerte) Hahnenkamm ( Ramaria botrytis ) good differs with its wine reddish tips.

Ecology and phenology (occurrence)

The bellyache coral lives in mycorrhizal symbiosis with trees, mostly in deciduous forests with oaks and beeches, rarely also in spruce forests. It probably only occurs on limestone sites. Fruit bodies appear from August to October.


Poisoning causes gastrointestinal complaints with abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea and, in sensitive people, more serious consequences after half an hour to three hours after consumption. The toxins of the genus are largely unexplored.


  • Rudolf Schubert, Horst Herbert Handke, Helmut Pankow: Rothmaler excursion flora of Germany . tape 1 : Lower plants. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Munich 2005, ISBN 3-8274-0655-2 .
  • Hans E. Laux: The great cosmos mushroom guide. All edible mushrooms with their poisonous doppelgangers. Franckh-Kosmos, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-440-08457-4 , p. 474.
  • Hans E. Laux: Edible mushrooms and their poisonous doppelgangers . Collect mushrooms - the right way. Kosmos Verlags-GmbH, Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 978-3-440-10240-4 , p. 172 .
  • Markus Flück: Which mushroom is that? 3. Edition. Franckh-Kosmos Verlag, Stuttgart 2009, ISBN 978-3-440-11561-9 , pp. 342 .

Web links

Commons : Bellyache Coral ( Ramaria pallida )  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files