Beatrice Gray

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Beatrice Gray (born March 3, 1911 near Karthage , Illinois , † November 25, 2009 in Los Angeles , California ) was an American actress .


After her father's death, Gray moved with her family to California, where she married in 1935 and only began taking dance lessons after the birth of three children. She then worked in this profession for a few years - she had meanwhile left her husband and moved first to Miami with her mother and children, then to New York.

In the spring of 1943, she met b-western star Bob Steele , who put her on the film. She played the lead role in only four films by Monogram Pictures and one of Universal Pictures , but was given the opportunity to make smaller appearances in many more. She also worked in the Busby Berkeley dance company .

Her son Billy Gray was a child actor; sometimes her name is also referred to as Beatrice Gray .

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Beatrice Gray see page (English).
  2. Beatrice Gray B-Westerns Enduring Actress see page (English).