Beatrix of Bavaria (1344-1359)

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Memorial plaque in the Dominican monastery in Stockholm

Beatrix of Bavaria (* probably 1344 ; † December 25, 1359 ) was a Bavarian princess from the Wittelsbach family and as the wife of Erik XII. Queen of Sweden .

Beatrix's parents were either the Roman-German Emperor Ludwig IV and his second wife Margaret of Holland or Ludwig's son Ludwig V and his first wife Margaret of Denmark. In December 1355 or spring 1356, Beatrix probably married the Swedish Crown Prince Erik XII in Berlin. Magnusson.

In autumn 1356 her husband rose against his father Magnus II , who left him part of the Kingdom of Sweden in 1357. Beatrix was thus Queen of Sweden. Erik XII. however died in the summer of 1359, probably of the plague; the pregnant Beatrix followed him a few months later.

Beatrix's tomb is in the Dominican monastery in Stockholm .


  1. So z. B. in Hans Rall , Marga Rall: The Wittelsbacher in life pictures. Styria, Graz / Vienna / Cologne 1986, ISBN 3-222-11669-5 , p. 62. If Beatrix was the daughter of Ludwig V , she was born in 1340 at the latest, since his first wife died in the spring of 1340.
  2. It is usually assumed that Beatrix was a daughter of Ludwig IV. In contrast, Helmut Schmidbauer: Duke Ludwig V of Bavaria (1315–1361). Notes on his biography. In: Journal for Bavarian State History. Volume 55, 1992, pp. 77–87, here p. 81. Hans Rall follows in his essay Ludwig der Bayer und die Europäische Dynastien ( Journal for Bayerische Landesgeschichte. Volume 44, 1981, pp. 81–91, here p. 90 ) Schmidbauer, in Die Wittelsbacher in Lebensbildern (Graz / Vienna / Cologne 1986, p. 62) then back to the traditional view.
  3. On the conflict between Magnus II and Erik XII. see Bernd-Ulrich Hergemöller : Magnus versus Brigitta. The fight of St. Birgitta of Sweden against King Magnus Eriksson. HHL-Verlag, Hamburg 2003, ISBN 3-936152-03-9 , pp. 62-65.
predecessor Office Successor
Blanche from Namur Queen of Sweden
Blanche from Namur