Liberation of work

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The group Liberation of Work ( Russian Освобождение труда / Oswoboschdenije truda , scientific transliteration Osvoboždenie truda ) was the first Russian Marxist group. It was 1883 in Geneva in Switzerland by Georgi Plekhanov (1856-1918), Pavel Axelrod (1850-1928), Zasulitch (1849-1919) and Lew Deitsch established (1855-1941). In 1892 Ljubow Axelrod (1868-1946) joined the party. Plekhanov takes under significant representatives of Russian social thought of the 19th century a prominent place, in addition to its struggle against the Populists (Narodniks) against the Bernsteinism fought and his Russian followers. He was a champion against philosophical idealism . They translate the works of Karl Marx and ensure their distribution in the Russian Empire . They introduce a historical rationalism that necessarily goes through a capitalist phase and a class struggle. They rejected the Russian populist theses of the Narodniki , which are based on the rural characteristics of Russia, such as the reduced working class, the importance of the peasantry. Two programs for a social democratic Russia were drawn up by Plekhanov in 1883 and 1885 and were considered to be the guidelines of the future Russian Social Democratic Labor Party . The group represented Russia at the Paris Congress of the Second International . Despite Plekhanov's supporters in the intelligentsia, his lack of direct contact with the Russian working class did not allow him to play a leading role. At the 2nd Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party in August 1903, the group announced its dissolution. Lenin later wrote of this group that it "laid the theoretical foundations for the social democratic movement and took the first step towards the workers' movement in Russia".


  • Thies Ziemke : Marxism and Narodničestvo: Origin and work of the group 'Liberation of Labor'. Peter Lang, 1979, ISBN 3-8204-6681-9 .
  • GW Plekhanov: On the role of personality in history. Neuer Weg publishing house, Berlin 1945.
  • P. Axelrod: The development of the social revolutionary movement in Russia. Jörg Ratgeb, without location, 1981.
  • LG German: Sixteen years in Siberia. Memories of a Russian Revolutionary. (= International Library . Volume 33). Dietz, Stuttgart 1904.

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References and footnotes

  1. Gheorghi Plekhanov - du groupe social démocrate "Libération du travail" Program
  2. ^ Emancipation of Labor group