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Belyounech does not have a coat of arms
Belyounech (Morocco)
Basic data
State : MoroccoMorocco Morocco
Region : Tangier-Tétouan-Al Hoceïma
Prefecture : M'Diq-Fnideq
Coordinates 35 ° 54 ′  N , 5 ° 24 ′  W Coordinates: 35 ° 54 ′  N , 5 ° 24 ′  W
Residents : 5,296 (2014)
Height : 50  m
Belyounech and the Jbel Musa massif
Belyounech and the Jbel Musa massif

Belyounech ( Arabic بليونش, Central Atlas Tamazight ⴱⵍⵢⵓⵏⴰⵛ Belyunac ) is about 2,000 inhabitants counting coastal town and a rural municipality ( commune rurale ) with about 5,500 inhabitants in the prefecture M'Diq-Fnideq in the region Tanger-Tetouan Al Hoceima in northern Morocco .


Belyounech is located at the foot of Jbel Musa on the Mediterranean coast about 5 km west of the Spanish exclave of Ceuta at an altitude of about 5 to 70 m above sea level. d. The climate is moderate and quite rainy by Moroccan standards.


For centuries, the residents of the village lived on a self-sufficient basis from fishing and a little agriculture and livestock. Since the 1970s, Belyounech has been popular with the residents of the Ceuta exclave as a holiday and seaside resort. The smuggling of goods of all kinds also plays a certain role.


The vizier Almansor , who ruled almost solely over the Caliphate of Cordoba from 978 to 1002 , had a residence built in Belyounech as early as the 10th century. In the 12th century the place was a popular place for the inhabitants of the then still Muslim Ceuta; the geographer al-Idrisi (approx. 1100–1166) describes it as an almost paradisiacal place where fruits of all kinds and even sugar cane flourished. From 1912 to 1956, Belyounech was part of the Spanish protectorate .


Apart from the beach and its charming location, the place no longer has any culturally or historically significant sights. Hikes along the coast to Parsley Island , an ascent of Jbel Musa or a day trip to Ceuta are worthwhile.

Web links

Commons : Belyounech  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Population statistics Morocco ( Memento from March 3, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  2. Belyounech climate tables