Ben Africa

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Benjamin "Ben" Africa (born October 13, 1938 in Rehoboth , South West Africa ) is a former Kaptein Rehoboth Baster in South West Africa ( Namibia since 1990 ).

Africa went to school in Athlone in Cape Town and finished it in 1957. He then studied medicine at the University of Cape Town until 1964 . He was already politically active and was on the verge of being kicked out after publicly criticizing the lack of rights of blacks . In 1966 he returned to his hometown Rehoboth and worked there as a district doctor.

In 1971 he co-founded the Rehoboth Baster Association (RBA), which later joined the DTA , alongside John McNab . In 1978 Africa became vice-chairman of the DTA.

Africa won the election for Kaptein on October 3, 1977 with 2307 votes, after the office had been officially abolished by the South African occupiers more than 70 years earlier. The result was immediately challenged by his closest competitor Johannes Diergaardt (2180 votes). This was finally elected to the captain in 1978 and introduced into office in 1979.

Africa has been married twice and has three children.


Individual evidence

  1. a b c Klaus Dierks : Biographies of Namibian Personalities, A ( English ) Retrieved April 27, 2020.
  2. Klaus Dierks : Chronology 1977 ( English ) Retrieved April 29, 2020.
  3. Klaus Dierks: Chronology 1978 ( English ) Retrieved April 29, 2020.
  4. Translations on Sub-Saharan Africa , US Joint Publications Research Service, No. 1831, p. 85.
  5. Who are the Rehoboth Basters? Rehoboth Basters. Retrieved April 29, 2020.
predecessor Office successor
Albert Mouton
( Nicolaas van Wyk )
Kaptein der Rehoboth - Baster ( Kapsteine der Rehoboth Baster )
Johannes Diergaardt