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Captain Hendrik Witbooi (approx. 1830–1905)

Kaptein ( German  captain ) is the official designation for traditional leaders of some non-sovereign ethnic groups , clans or tribal areas in Namibia . Today the Nama are still led by capitals , who still play an important role in the social life of the ethnic group.

Before Namibia's independence, the capitals were leaders of the various, partly autonomous homelands in South West Africa and held the highest position in the autonomous administration. Since Namibia's independence , only the chapels of the Rehobother Baster are no longer seen as a traditional society and the “ Rehobother Basterrat” is officially dissolved accordingly. The Rehoboth Baster, however, are members of the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO).

Legal status in Namibia

According to the Namibian Constitution of 1990, traditional leaders, tribal and clan heads from lineages as well as traditionally determined or democratically elected leaders are given a firm place in the Namibian political system . This takes into account the multicultural and diverse population of the country . There are currently 49 presidential- approved traditional leaders, including the capitals.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Constitution of Namibia , KAS, article 102, paragraph 5
  2. Mbanderu chief appointed, Allgemeine Zeitung, December 16, 2009