Benedetto De Lisi

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Benedetto De Lisi , also Delisi (born February 1, 1831 in Palermo , † September 8, 1875 ibid) was an Italian sculptor in Sicily .


He was a student of Valerio Villareale , then in Florence of Pietro Tenerani . De Lisi mainly created portrait busts.

His sons Stefano (1865 - March 20, 1886), Domenico (1870–1946) and Benedetto the Younger (1898–1967), the son of Domenico, were also sculptors in Palermo. There is also likely a family relationship with the sculptor Luigi De Lisi, who died in Palermo in 1875.

His students were among others the son-in-law Antonio Ugo , Domenico Trentacoste and Benedetto Civiletti .

Works (selection)


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