Benedikt von Ahlefeldt (1440–1500)

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Benedikt (Bendix) von Ahlefeldt (* 1440 ; † February 17, 1500 in the Battle of Hemmingstedt ) was a knight, heir to Lehmkuhlen and lord of Hasselburg .


Benedikt von Ahlefeldt was the son of the noble landlord Johann von Ahlefeldt (1399–1463), lord of Lehmkuhlen and Wittmoldt, and his wife Anna nee. from Wiltberg. His wife was Drude von Rantzau , whom he married in 1480 and who brought him the Wittmold estate. Ahlefeldt was first mentioned in a document in 1456. 1465 he took the count Ernst von Mansfeld in hostage , leaving him only after days upon payment of ransom again. In 1500 he fell as one of the highest military leaders in the battle of Hemmingstedt. In this battle eleven other knights from the house of the Ahlefeldts fell with him; Hans von Ahlefeldt was among them . After this battle, on May 15, 1500, peace was brokered in Hamburg by his father-in-law, the bailiff of Flensburg, Kiel and Gottorf Otto von Rantzau († 1511).


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