Benno Bentzin

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Benno Bentzin , actually Horst Hans Fritz Bentzin (born September 20, 1929 in Berlin , † September 11, 1991 in Frankfurt am Main ) was a German actor .


After his acting training with Otto Warlich and the acting academy Der Kreis in Berlin from 1947 to 1949 Benno Bentzin (birth name: Horst Hans Fritz Bentzin) began his career with short engagements in Berlin, Chemnitz and Döbeln . In the 1953/1954 season he was named “1. Held und Bonvivant ”signed the theater in Meiningen and switched to the Friedrich-Wolf-Theater in Neustrelitz in the next season . In 1955 he finally returned to Berlin and played at the theater of friendship . A short time later he made his first appearances on television and at DEFA . At the end of the 1950s he went to the Federal Republic and worked here at the Stadttheater Gastrop-Rauxel and as a recording and production manager at the Hessischer Rundfunk .



Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Benno Bentzin at Theater an der Parkaue