Benoît Biteau

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Benoît Biteau (born April 7, 1967 in Royan ) is a French farmer , agronomist and politician . In the course of the 2019 European elections , he won a mandate as an independent candidate on the list of Europe Écologie-Les Verts and has since been a member of the ninth European Parliament as part of the Greens / EFA group .


Commitment to ecological agriculture

Benoît Biteau is a farmer and agronomist and advocates ecological agriculture or an "ecological turnaround in agriculture as a whole". Among other things, he is a member of the organic farm Val de Seudre Identi'Terre, which he founded in Charente-Maritime . The company received the Trophée National d'Agriculture Durable 2009 from the then Agriculture Minister Michel Barnier at the Salon International de l'Agriculture 2010 .

Biteau openly criticizes the powerful French farmers' association Fédération nationale des syndicats d'exploitants agricoles (FNSEA) and is regularly received in the media with its criticism of state agricultural subsidies such as the FNSEA. He described his experience as a farmer in organic farming in his book Paysan résistant! .

Political career

In March 2010, Biteau was elected council member of the now merged Poitou-Charentes region , where he took on the role of vice-president of the council and chaired the committee for rural areas, agriculture, fisheries and marine cultures. He held the office until December 13, 2015. In December 2015 he was elected as regional councilor of the merged Nouvelle-Aquitaine region , where he is on the marine affairs committee.

In 2019, Biteau ran as an independent candidate on the joint European election list of Europe Écologie-Les Verts (EELV), Alliance écologiste indépendante (AEI) and Régions et peuples solidaires in the 2019 European elections . The joint list won 13.43 percent, 13 of the 79 French mandates, including Biteau. Since then he has been a member of the ninth European Parliament and joined the group of the Greens / EFA together with the members of the EELV and the AEI . According to his own statement, he plans to exercise his mandate in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine regional council in parallel. For the group he is a member of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development as well as a deputy member of the Development Committee and the Fisheries Committee .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Paul Sugy: "I am a farmer, not an entrepreneur!" In: Figarovox. March 27, 2018, accessed on June 26, 2019 (Swiss Standard German).
  2. Charente-Maritime: le paysan bio Benoît Biteau a (enfin) touché des aides européennes. In: france bleu. August 28, 2018, accessed June 26, 2019 (French).
  3. ^ Lionel Gonzalez, Valérie Prétot: Elections européennes: qui est Benoît Biteau (EELV), nouveau député du Parlement Européen? In: 3: Nouvelle Aquitaine. France 3, May 29, 2019, accessed June 26, 2019 (French).
  4. Home | Benoît BITEAU | MPs | European Parliament. Retrieved July 5, 2019 .