Mining Authority

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Seal of approval KK Berghauptmannschaft Klagenfurt

The Mining Authority was an authority that had to deal with matters related to mining law in a defined area ( Mining Authority ). Mining teams existed in all German countries before the First World War .

The legal basis of the Mining Authority after the First World War was the Mining Act of 1854 passed in the Austrian Empire . This was in force until 1954 when it was replaced by another Mining Act. In 1975 it was again replaced by a new mining law.

In Austria, the mining authorities were located in the cities of Vienna , Graz , Leoben , Klagenfurt , Salzburg and Innsbruck .

The chief officials of the mining authorities were the mining captains .

When the Mineral Raw Materials Act came into force in 1999 a few months after the Lassing mining accident , the structure of the authorities was completely changed and the mining authorities abolished. Since then , the Energy & Mining Section, which is part of the respective Ministry of Economic Affairs , has performed a large part of its competencies as the highest mining authority and its subordinate parts.

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