Bernardo Herrera Restrepo

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Bernardo Herrera Restrepo

Bernardo Herrera Restrepo (born September 11, 1844 in Bogotá ; † January 2, 1928 ibid) was a Colombian clergyman and archbishop of Bogotá .


Bernardo Herrera Restrepo was born the third of eight children of the lawyer Bernardo Herrera Buendía. He studied in Colombia and since 1864 in France and received on 22 May 1869 in Paris the priesthood . He then attended the First Vatican Council as secretary to the Bishop of Nueva Pamplona , Bonifacio Antonio Toscano . In April 1870 he received his doctorate in theology from La Sapienza University and returned to Bogotá in October of the same year.

After he had been a member of the cathedral chapter of Bogotá from 1883, Pope Leo XIII appointed him . Bishop of Medellín on March 27, 1885 . He was ordained episcopal on December 27th of the same year by José Telésforo Paul Vargas , Archbishop of Santafé en Nueva Granada. In Medellín he pushed ahead with the construction planning for the new cathedral, which had come to a standstill under his predecessor. On June 4, 1891 Herrera Restrepo was appointed Archbishop of Santafé en Nueva Granada, the archbishopric was renamed Archdiocese of Bogotá in 1898. In 1896 he was from Leo XIII. Appointed Papal Assistant to the Throne . In the run-up to the presidential elections in 1898 , he managed to keep the clergy of his archdiocese non-partisan.

For his services he received the newly created title Primate of Colombia on November 17, 1902 . From 1908 to 1928 he was President of the Colombian Bishops' Conference. In 1916 he founded the Catholic Institute San Bernardo De la Salle . After a serious illness, the sacraments were already given to him in September 1917, but Bernardo Herrera Restrepo recovered again. However, he lacked the physical and mental strength of earlier years; In 1923 Pope Pius XI. with Ismael Perdomo Borrero a coadjutor. In the last years of his life and office, maintaining the church's independence from political influences dominated his actions. Bernardo Herrera Restrepo died in January 1928 and was buried in the Cathedral of Bogotá.

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Commons : Bernardo Herrera Restrepo  - collection of images, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
Ignacio León Velasco Archbishop of Bogotá
Ismael Perdomo Borrero