Bernardo Rucellai

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Bernardo Rucellai

Bernardo Rucellai , (* 1449 in Florence , † October 7, 1514 in Florence) was an Italian scholar and father of Giovanni Rucellai .

Bernardo Rucellai was the son of Giovanni di Paolo Rucellai . He was married to Nannina de 'Medici, a sister of Lorenzo de' Medici . He was one of the outstanding members of the Platonic Academy . Politically, he was the envoy of the Republic of Florence to Ferdinand, King of Naples , and Charles VIII of France . Ruccellai was a thorough expert on antiquity and provided, among other things, a very learned topography of ancient Rome ("De urbe Roma").

In his famous gardens, richly decorated with works of art, the seat of the Platonic Academy since 1494, the plot against Cardinal Giulio de 'Medici was instigated in 1522 , which put an end to the Academy.