Bernhard Denkinger

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Bernhard Denkinger

Bernhard Denkinger (* 1956 in Ulm ) is an Austrian architect and exhibition designer.


Bernhard Denkinger studied architecture at the Technical University of Munich and at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. He also completed studies at the ETH Lausanne (Switzerland) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge / USA).

Focus of work

Exhibition section in the gallery of memory
Exhibition "Gusen 1939–45"
View of the special exhibition "Future Ruhr Area"

His work focuses on museum and exhibition design. In addition to exhibitions on art and photo-historical topics, he has also realized several projects on historical and contemporary topics. Bernhard Denkinger has already designed more than forty exhibitions in Austria and Germany, including the Gallery of Remembrance , the permanent exhibition in Gusen Concentration Camp 1939–45 , and the photo-historical exhibition Everything else again. Photographs from the time of structural change and the cultural-historical exhibition Becoming Ruhr Area. Late antiquity and early Middle Ages on the Rhine and Ruhr in the Ruhr Museum (Essen) , as well as the tunnel no. 5 in Ebensee and the contemporary history museum Ebensee together with Ulrike Felber .

From 2011 to 2014 a number of exhibition designs were created for the Jewish Museum Vienna , including euphoria and unease - Richard Wagner and Jewish Vienna , Jewish geniuses - Warhol's Jews , meeting everyone: rabinovich revisited , fabrics and stories and 200 and 20 - The library of the Jewish Museum Vienna .

2016 to 2018 research and studies on the architecture of the 1960s and 1970s, which led to an architectural theoretical publication on the architecture of New Brutalism and Structuralism.

Exhibitions and realized projects (selection)

  • 2001 together with Ulrike Felber : Contemporary History Museum Ebensee
  • 2006 Gusen concentration camp 1939–45 , permanent exhibition, in St. Georgen an der Gusen, Upper Austria
  • 2009 The Mauthausen crematoria
  • 2010 Everything is different again. Photographs from the time of structural change in Essen
  • 2013 Gallery of Remembrance in Steyr, Upper Austria
  • 2013 Euphoria and discomfort - Richard Wagner and Jewish Vienna , in Vienna
  • 2015 Future Ruhr area. Late antiquity and early Middle Ages on the Rhine and Ruhr , in Essen
  • 2017 The divided sky. Reformation and religious diversity between the Rhine and Ruhr , in Essen
  • 2019 book publication: The Forgotten Alternatives. Structuralism and Brutalist Experience in Architecture
  • 2019 departure in the west. The Margaretenhöhe artists' settlement in Essen
  • 2019 urn grave memorial in Steyr, Upper Austria


  • Ulrike Felber, Bernhard Denkinger, Wolfgang Quatember: Concentration Camp Ebensee / Ebensee Concentration Camp. Publisher: Zeitgeschichte Museum Ebensee, 2000 (2nd edition), ISBN 978-3950066302
  • Judith Eiblmayer: Two tunnels in the interior of Austria, June 2, 2001, Die Presse - Spectrum
  • Bernhard Denkinger: On the planning and design of the exhibition “Stollen der Demokratie”, yearbook of the Mauthausen Memorial 7 (2013) - pages 147–155; Ed .: Federal Ministry of the Interior, Vienna 2013, new academic press, ISBN 978-3-7003-1900-9
  • Romana Ring: Bernhard Denkinger - Gallery of Remembrance, Architektur Aktuell, March 2014, No. 408 - pages 18–19
  • Emily Martin: Tunnel of Memory Exhibition, Steyr, Austria , FX-Magazine, London, October 2015
  • Mary Pepchinsky: Mining the Past. An Exhibition in an old coal-washing plant used modern technology to tell the story of an industrial region's heritage. Architectural Record, September 2015, 94–97
  • Bernhard Denkinger: The Forgotten Alternatives. Structuralism and Brutalist Experience in Architecture, ISBN 978-3-86859-551-2

Web links

Commons : Bernhard Denkinger  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Interview with Bernhard Denkinger on , November 20, 2014
  2. Bernhard Denkinger . In: architektur im netz , Retrieved February 10, 2016.
  3. , January 18, 2015
  4. ^ Museum / memorial. Retrieved September 29, 2019 .
  5. ^ Special exhibition in the Ruhr Museum , September 27, 2010
  6. ^ Special exhibition in the Ruhr Museum , March 27, 2015
  7. nextroom-architektur im netz: Der teilte Himmel, Bernhard Denkinger - Essen (D) - 2017. Accessed on September 29, 2019 .
  8. The forgotten alternatives - JOVIS Verlag. Retrieved September 29, 2019 .
  9. Departure in the West. Retrieved September 29, 2019 (German).
  10. Crypt of honor for Nazi murder victims after 79 years. Retrieved September 29, 2019 .
  11. ^ Article by Judith Eiblmayr: Concentration camp memorial and contemporary history museum . In: architektur im netz , Retrieved February 10, 2016.
  12. in H-Soz-Kult, June 10, 2014 [1]
  13. Article available in EBSCO Host [2]
  14. ^ Tunnel of Memory exhibition, Steyr, Austria - Design Curial. Retrieved September 29, 2019 .
  15. Web version of the article on the homepage of the American architecture newspaper Architectural Record [3]